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FAO Achievements in Libya

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    FAO Achievements in Lebanon 1976-2011 2011
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    FAO implemented projects in Lebanon since 1960, mainly through UNDP projects till 1993. An MOU was signed with the GOL on February 7, 1977 to open an FAO representation office in Lebanon. It was signed by the Lebanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Fouad Boutros and the FAO Director General, Mr. Edouard Saouma. It became effective June 14, 1977. In 1977, after the war of “two years”, most of the International Agencies were leaving or considering leaving the country. FAO was the only Interna tional Organization that remained in the country for the whole period of the civil war. The office and staff of the FAO were suffering similarly to all Lebanese, electricity cut, bad communication facilities, hazards of moving and displacement. The office was moved from Beirut to a safer place in the suburbs, Baabda, in 1979. FAO played a crucial role during the civil war. The interventions were on the institutional level and on the humanitarian level, without neglecting the technical assistance projects whenever the security situation in Lebanon allowed.
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    FAO Achievements in Jordan 2011
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    The FAO Representation Office was established in Jordan for the first time in May 2002. This report will represent an overview of FAO major achievements through activities and projects implemented in Jordan after the establishment of the representation Office. FAO assistance contributed substantially to building the capacity of Jordan in the field of water and arable land use. FAO assisted Jordan to formulate its “National Drought Mitigation Strategy” (TCP/JOR/3001(A)-USD 229,000). Through this project national consultants prepared background papers and an international consultant provided training on water harvesting techniques. FAO organized national workshop on “Policies and Programmes to improve Food Security in Drought affected areas”. In addition to the draft National Drought Mitigation Strategy, preparatory work was initiated to establish Drought Early Warning Unit in collaboration with the World Food Programme (WFP). FAO is assisting Jordan through the on-going TCP project TCP/ INT/3301 “ Support to policy consultation and actions to boost sustainable use of water and energy resources for agricultural production and livelihood improvement in the Near East and North Africa Region in the context of climate change” (Budget of USD 436,000).
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    FAO Achievements in Yemen 1990-2010 2011
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    Since the date of Yemen membership 22 May 1990, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been providing the Government of Yemen with technical assistance and implementing several projects which are supported at the Global, Regional, and National levels. FAO programme focus on different areas related to agriculture: food security, fisheries, environment, water, management of natural resources, nutrition, Livestock, policies, enhancing capacity building, climate change, pl ant protection, and emergency response. In fact, the real establishment date of FAO office was in 1979 in People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen when Yemen was divided into two countries (Arab Republic of Yemen and People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen). However, on 10 October 1990 the Permanent Representation of Yemen to FAO informed the Organization that the Republic of Yemen should be considered as replacing the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen as well as the Arab Republic of Yemen as a m ember of FAO as of 22 May 1990, the date of the merger of the two states. Since the membership date 1990, the total number of implemented/in progress projects is 136 with a total amount of US$ 59,211,268.

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