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Global investments in agricultural research: Where are we and where are we going?

Ruane, J. and Ramasamy, S. 2023. Global investments in agricultural research: Where are we and where are we going? Rome.

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    Home Country Measures that Promote Responsible Foreign Agricultural Investment 2016
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    This paper summarizes the good practices by nine selected OECD countries that seek to promote responsible foreign investment in developing country agriculture, primarily by investors in their territory or jurisdiction. The study provides examples of the increasing trend of home countries in establishing binding legal norms and other mechanisms as safeguards that are relevant for agricultural investment. It finds that States apply some specific provisions to hold private corporate actors investin g in agriculture abroad accountable, for example in regard to bribery of foreign public officials. Investment home countries are also increasingly using safeguards relevant for agricultural investment for companies that are controlled by the State or seek its support. Furthermore, Public-Private Partnerships are increasingly used in development assistance projects as a means to promote responsible agricultural investment. In these cases, the safeguards usually imply the use of negotiated and app roved instruments such as the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT). The Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI), endorsed in 2014 by the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), will possibly become a major guidance instrument, given recent declarations by the G7 and G20.
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    Rural Empowerment and Agricultural Development Scaling-up Initiative in Indonesia
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    Investing in farmers through public-private-producer partnerships Rural Empowerment and Agricultural Development Scaling-up Initiative in Indonesia. Investing in farmers – or agriculture human capital – is crucial to addressing challenges in our agri-food systems. A global study carried out by the FAO Investment Centre and the International Food Policy Research Institute, with support from the CGIAR Research Programme on Policies, Institutions and Markets and the FAO Research and Extension Unit, looks at agriculture human capital investments, from trends to promising initiatives. One of the nine featured case studies is the Rural Empowerment and Agricultural Development Scaling-up Initiative in Indonesia. This programme adds perspectives on investing in human capital in agriculture through public-private-producer partnerships, using lead farmers, cocoa doctors and farmer field schools. The case study shows that the training and coaching provided increased knowledge of and practical skills in cocoa farming, including technical skills, soft skills and empowerment, leading to better productivity and cocoa quality. The programme increased farmers’ confidence to take on new activities and sell a quality product. In addition, farmers developed group cooperation and decision-making skills, and group members learned communication, entrepreneurship and marketing skills. This publication is part of the Country Investment Highlights series under the FAO Investment Centre's Knowledge for Investment (K4I) programme.
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    Comprehensive assessment of national agricultural research and extension systems with a special focus on agricultural research for development in Egypt
    Analysis and guidelines - Egypt case study
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    This case study was conducted to provide a good understanding of the challenges and opportunities related to Egypt’s agricultural research and organizational development to draw lessons and develop supporting guidelines. This study aimed to enhance efforts exerted by Egypt’s NARS in the field of developmental research by formulating an integrated and coherent approach for research and dissemination of proven technologies and practices. Such approaches are expected to address key bottlenecks and provide the needed direction and means for sustainable improved implementation of AR4D. This can ultimately lead to enhancing and empowering the capacity of Egypt’s NARS to better inform and influence policies and facilitate institutional changes required in the agricultural sector. As part of the efforts of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to support and strengthen NARS’ research impact and their links to extension service systems, the present assessment was carried out to establish a deeper insight into challenges and opportunities that are facing NARS in Egypt.

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