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Food Losses and Waste in Latin America and the Caribbean

Bulletin No 2. April 2015

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    Regional Conference on food security and income generation through the reduction of losses and waste in fisheries, Nouakchott, Mauritania, 15-17 December 2013 2016
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    The Regional Conference on Food Security and Income Generation through Reduction of Losses and Waste in Fisheries was held from 15 -17 December 2013, in Nouakchott, Islamic Republic of Mauritania. The objectives of the conference were to review the current practices in the sector in the Near East and North Africa region, examine case studies of best practices globally and discuss the best options for the region, and identify policy level and operational level interventions to improve food securi ty and income generation through reduction of losses and waste in fisheries in Near East and North Africa region. Case studies from the region on best practices in five countries were presented and discussed, following which presentations, working groups and discussions focused on four technical topics: a) best practices and strategies for minimizing post-harvest losses and waste; b) improved utilization of fishery by-products for minimizing waste; c) value chain based approach for minimizing fi sh loss and waste; and d) best practices for fish bycatch and discard management. The conference unanimously adopted the Noukchott Declaration, which included, among other things the need for appropriate policies and legislative frameworks and strategies should be established, which include a more participatory approach to fisheries management and to create a supportive and enabling environment for value chain actors in small-scale fisheries. Additionally, declaration called on countries in the region to develop and build the capacity of resource users and managers, including post-harvest stakeholders and service providers, in order to pursue and achieve a significant reduction of loss and waste, throughout the fish supply chain from the catch to the consumer’s table.
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    FAO Regional Strategy on Food Loss and Waste Reduction in Asia and the Pacific 2022
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    Food loss and waste (FLW) is one of the key areas under SP4 and BN4 as well as the MPI on Resilient Food Systems in RAP. FAO is well positioned as a global knowledge leader on food loss and waste and many of the other regions already have a tailored regional strategy on FLW reduction. In reponse to the last two APRC's as well as in line with the ZHC, and more recently the new FAO Strategic framework, this publication provides a basis for FAO and others to understand the scope and depth of FLW issues, how these can be addressed, including some good practices from Thailand, China and Nepal. As a multidisciplinary publication, it includes strong elements on policy and statistics with FAO as leading a convenor on SDG 12.3 on FLW measurement and reduction, highlights the scope and opportunities for FLW reduction as part of climate change efforts and also in terms of improved nutrition. It builds upon the analysis and advice of the SOFA 2019 on food loss and waste and identifies key pillars for interventions as well as recommendations for the technical as well as policy/decision makers in the Asia Pacific region. It is strongly linked to the FAP Global Programme on food loss and waste being implemented by headquarters.
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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    Food systems and COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean
    How to reduce food loss and waste
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    The ongoing pandemic has threatened the food and nutritional security of millions of Latin Americans and Caribbean people. These interruptions in the links of the value chain of the agri-food system have resulted in greater food loss and waste. We are not yet in a position to say when the rate of contagion will decrease, or when we will return to normal. Such uncertainty makes it imperative to analyze how food losses and waste affect food systems, how how this can be prevented.

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