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Disaster Risk Reduction Challenge Badge

FAO. 2020. Disaster Risk Reduction Challenge Badge. YUNGA learning and action series – Challenge badges. Rome.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Governance challenges for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation convergence in agriculture - Guidance for analysis
    Governance and policy support - Discussion paper
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    This discussion paper aims to help practitioners work in a more informed and politically sensitive way to integrate actions on disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) in agriculture. It illustrates some typical governance and political economy-related barriers that may hamper convergence or integration of DRR and CCA actions. It also provides guidance for in-depth governance analysis, putting the analytical focus at national and subnational levels, while considering the international context as an important factor for convergence. The FAO Governance and Policy Support Discussion Paper series provides perspectives and concepts on critical governance and policy issues that are relevant to FAO work at country, regional and global levels. Discussion Papers are often based on work in progress, and we welcome suggestions and ideas by email at: The series is available at:
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Comprehensive analysis of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management System for agriculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2020
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    This report aims to highlight the current strengths of the institutional disaster risk reduction (DRR) system for agriculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as indicate existing gaps and capacity needs to further enhance it. A comprehensive assessment is conducted, which includes a general overview of the country’s agricultural sector and outlines the most frequent natural hazards that are impacting the sector. It is followed by an analysis of the existing legal, policy and institutional structure and discusses various components of the system, including e.g. the functioning of early warning systems, assessments of disaster risks, post-disaster needs assessments, including damages and losses assessments and the availability of agricultural insurance for farmers.
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    Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction and management system for agriculture in Montenegro 2018
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    This report aims to highlight the current strengths of the institutional DRR system for agriculture in Montenegro as well as indicate existing gaps and capacity needs to further enhance it. A comprehensive assessment is conducted, which includes a general overview of the country’s agricultural sector and outlines the most frequent natural hazards that are impacting the sector. It is followed by an analysis of the existing legal, policy and institutional structure and discusses various components of the system, including e.g. the functioning of early warning systems, assessments of disaster risks, post-disaster needs assessments, including damages and losses assessments and the availability of agricultural insurance for farmers. It concludes by providing recommendations for capacity building interventions to strengthen the current system to reduce the adverse impacts of natural hazards, in particular, floods, landslides and droughts, and climate change on agriculture in Montenegro. This report is prepared for the FAO project ‘Enhancement of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRR/M) capacities and mainstreaming of Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) practices into the Agricultural Sector in the Western Balkans (TCP/RER/3504).

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