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Terminal evaluation of the project “Dynamic Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agricultural Biodiversity to ensure Food Security and Ecosystems Services and Resiliency”

Project code: GCP/PHI/062/GFF - GEF ID: 5549

Management response

This report was originally published as part of the Decentralized Evaluation Series. In July 2023, this report was moved under the Project Evaluation Series.

FAO. 2023. Terminal evaluation of the project “Dynamic Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agricultural Biodiversity to ensure Food Security and Ecosystems Services and Resiliency”. Project Evaluation Series, 08/2023. Rome.

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    Terminal evaluation of the project "Implementing the socio-ecosystem connectivity approach to conserve and sustainable use biodiversity in the Caribbean Region of Colombia"
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    The project “Implementing the socio-ecosystem approach to conserve and sustainable use biodiversity in the Caribbean Region of Colombia” was financed by the GEF, implemented, and executed by FAO. The results of the evaluation highlight the relevance of the project to reduce the degradation and fragmentation of the strategic ecosystems of the Caribbean Colombian area, increase and improve the provision of goods and services from agricultural and forestry production. It was also found a high effectiveness of the project in obtaining the expected results, exceeding in some cases, the established goals. Likewise, the processes and mechanisms implemented by the project for the involvement of relevant stakeholders generated a very high ownership of the project. Due to the successes achieved, the evaluation identified good practices and lessons learned that may be useful for the design of similar projects. Among the main areas for improvement that were identified, is to improve the design of goals related to the impact on policy instruments and the determination of co-financing by the project partners; the institutionalization of the Regional Strategy of Socioecosystemic Connectivities to ensure its replicability and the revision of the tool for monitoring the effectiveness in the management of the GEF.
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    The Payments for Ecosystem Services to Support Forest Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods project, supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), sought to promote biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation in the Miombo forest ecosystem. It aimed to strengthen the existing revenue sharing mechanism (RSM) that supports the sustainable use and conservation of forests and wildlife, and improves local livelihoods in the Zambezia Province of Mozambique. Overall, the results achieved can lead to progress in enabling the environment, changing legal and regulatory frameworks, having communities adopt more sustainable practices and contributing to the preservation of biodiversity – especially in reducing deforestation.Key recommendations involve: flagging the most promising communities for national authorities as potential grant applicants under the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD+) programmes; preparing an exit plan for the four districts that benefit from the project to ensure minimum technical follow-up in the supported communities; and systematizing the approach, experience and good results achieved with the practices of the beekeeping and savings and credit groups to reinforce the project’s learning dimension.

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