Report of the fifteenth session of the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade of the Committee on Fisheries, Agadir, Morocco, 22-26 February 2016 / Rapport de la quinzième session du Sous-Comité du commerce du poisson, Agadir, Maroc, 22-26 février 2016. / Informe de la decimoquinta reunión del Subcomité de comercio pesquero, Agadir, Marruecos, 22-26 de febrero del 2016
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Book (series)COFI - Report of the ninth session of the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade. Bremen, Germany, 10-14 February 2004 / COFI - Rapport de la neuvième session du Sous-Comité du commerce du poisson. Brême, Allemagne, 10-14 février 2004. / COFI - Informe de la novena reunión del Subcomité sobre Comercio Pesquero. Bremen, Alemania, 10-14 de febrero de 2004. 2004At its sixteenth session, the Committee on Fisheries decided to establish a Sub-Committee on Fish Trade to serve as a multilateral framework for consultations on international trade in fishery products. The ninth session of the Sub-Committee was held in Bremen, Germany, from 10 to 14 February 2004. The Sub-Committee took note of important recent events concerning international trade in fishery products and considered specific issues of international trade and sustainable fisheries de velopment, including: - safety and quality of fishery products; - traceability of fish products; - labelling issues; - the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and fish trade; - small-scale fisheries catch access to international trade; - fish trade and food security. In its capacity as the International Commodity Body for Fishery Products, the Sub-Committee noted the progress achieved in its cooperation with the Common Fund fo r Commodities and endorsed several pipeline projects.
Book (series)COFI - Report of the eighth session of the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade. Bremen, Germany, 12 16 February 2002 / COFI - Rapport de la huitième session du Sous-Comité du commerce du poisson. Brême, Allemagne, 12-16 février 2002 / COFI - Informe de la octava reunión del Subcomité sobre Comercio Pesquero. Bremen, Alemania, 12 16 de febrero de 2002 2002
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The Sub-Committee took note of important recent events concerning international trade in fishery products and considered specific issues of international trade, environment and sustainable fisheries development: Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and responsible fish trade; Declaration from the World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference, Doha, and its impact on fish trade; Safety and quality of fishery products; Traceability of fish products and labelling issues; CITES and fi sh trade. In its capacity as the International Commodity Body for fishery products, the Sub-Committee noted the progress achieved in its cooperation with the Common Fund for Commodities and endorsed several pipeline projects. -
Book (series)Report of the thirteenth session of the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade, Hyderabad, India, 20-24 February 2012/ Rapport de la treizième session du Sous-Comité du commerce du poisson, Hyderabad, Inde, 20-24 février 2012/ Informe de la decimotercera reunión del Subcomité de Comercio Pesquero, Hyderabad, India, 20-24 de febrero de 2012 2012The Committee on Fisheries established the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade to serve as a multilateral framework for consultations on international trade in fishery products. The thirteenth session of the Sub-Committee was held in Hyderabad, India, from 20 to 24 February 2012. The Sub-Committee took note of recent developments concerning international trade in fishery products. It also considered specific issues related to international trade and sustainable fisheries development, including : – harmonized system of classification for fish products; – safety and quality of fishery products; – best practice guidelines for traceability; – FAO evaluation framework to assess the conformity of public and private ecolabelling schemes with the FAO Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries; –value chain analysis and international fish trade; – fish trade and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild F auna and Flora (CITES); and –monitoring implementation of Article 11 (post harvest practices and trade) of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. In its capacity as the International Commodity Body for Fishery Products, the Sub-Committee endorsed three project proposals for funding by the Common Fund for Commodities.
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