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An indirect estimation approach for disaggregating SDG indicators using survey data

Case study based on SDG Indicator 2.1.2

FAO. 2022­. An indirect estimation approach for disaggregating SDG indicators using survey data - Case study based on SDG Indicator 2.1.2. Rome. 

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    Integrating surveys with geospatial data through small area estimation to disaggregate SDG indicators at subnational level
    Case study on SDG Indicators 2.3.1 and 2.3.2
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    The present technical report illustrates a case study on the adoption of small area estimation techniques to produce granular sub-national estimates of SDG Indicators 2.3.1 and 2.3.2, by integrating survey microdata with auxiliary information retrieved from various trustworthy geospatial information systems. The technical report provides practical guidance to national statistical offices and other institutions wanting to implement small area estimation techniques on SDG Indicators 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 or similar indicators based on surveys microdata.
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    Validation of methods and data for SDG indicators 2019
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    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicator framework represents a major challenge and a unique opportunity for the advancement of the global statistical system, both in terms of methodological development and governance. Over the past three years, the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG indicators (IAEG-SDG) has gradually developed a number of documents providing criteria and guidelines for regulating data flows between countries and custodian agencies needed to inform the global SDG reporting process. The validation of methods and data for SDG indicators, while apparently consisting of two completely separate matters, have been closely linked in the SDG process. When validating country data, National Statistics Offices (NSOs) are effectively also certifying the specific methodology used by the custodian agency for the compilation of the indicator, in particular the data source used and the adjustments made to harmonize national definitions and classifications. This article highlights some of the main challenges in the practical implementation of the guidelines on data flows, identifies areas in need of further guidance from the IAEG-SDG and provides some proposals aimed at improving the global SDG reporting process.
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    Measuring Individuals’ Rights to Land: An Integrated Approach to Data Collection for SDG Indicators 1.4.2 and 5.a.1 2019
    Land is a key economic resource inextricably linked to access to, use of and control over other economic and productive resources. Recognition of this, and the increasing stress on land from the world’s growing population and changing climate, has driven demand for strengthening tenure security for all. This created the need for a core set of land indicators that have national application and global comparability, which culminated in the inclusion of indicators 1.4.2 and 5.a.1 in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda. Having indicators on land ownership and rights in the SDG framework is an opportunity to routinely generate comparable, sex-disaggregated data to support evidence-based decision making on responsible land governance for sustainable development. The custodians of SDG indicators 1.4.2 (UN-Habitat and the World Bank) and 5.a.1 (FAO) have joined forces to develop a standardized and succinct survey instrument designed to collect the essential data for computation of both indicators simultaneously. As the data collection requirements for each indicator largely overlap, great gains in efficiency are possible by implementing a joint module in existing survey questionnaires. This document aims to facilitate the successful, efficient, and cross-country comparable data collection for computation of SDG indicators 1.4.2 and 5.a.1 in line with the methodologies approved by the IAEG-SDGs. The survey instrument discussed in this document was designed with an eye for the integration of essential questions for both indicators into existing survey instruments, with the possibility of stand-alone implementation. Use of the proposed module encourages the standardization of indicator definitions and data.

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