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Climate change, migration and rural adaptation in the Near East and North Africa region

Szaboova, L. 2023. Climate change, migration and rural adaptation in the Near East and North Africa region. Rome, FAO.

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    Rural Migration in the Near East and North Africa – Regional trends 2019
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    The Near East and North Africa (NENA) has always been affected and in many ways shaped by the high levels of human mobility. However, rural migration - or migration to, from and between rural areas - is often overlooked, despite its important ramifications for food security, agriculture, rural development and regional disparities. In the next decade, persistent poverty, climatic threats and increasing competition for natural resources may fuel greater levels of migration across NENA countries. This report was designed to provide policy makers, practitioners and development partners with an overview of the main challenges and opportunities of rural migration in the NENA region.
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    This report is based on a desk review of recent literature on rural poverty reduction in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region, and on a synthesis and analysis of existing secondary data sources (see List of References for details). The study builds on the IFAD NENA Rural Poverty Assessment Report prepared in 2001–2002 (and published in 2003). It provides a full update of poverty data to the latest year available, analyses emerging trends, and highlights variations in the rural poverty pr ofile resulting from rapid changes in socio-economic and rural development conditions in the region. In its capacity as a regional assessment (based on a desk review), this report by definition focuses on key rural poverty issues in the 13 highly diverse countries without attempting to propose policy and programme actions at the national or local levels. Explicit country situations are quoted throughout the report in order to illustrate examples of poverty dimensions or specific constraints prev alent in some areas, or in order to underline differences in rural poverty among countries. The specificity of each country and local area, in terms of tailoring actions to meet the needs of different rural target groups, is better analysed at the COSOP or individual IFAD project level.
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    Impacts of climate change on farming systems and livelihoods in the Near East North Africa. With a special focus on small-scale family farming
    Regional Initiative on Small-scale Family Farming for the Near East and North Africa
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    Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of eradicating poverty (SDG 1), hunger (SDG 2) and clean water and sanitation (SDG 6) is not possible without directly addressing the impacts of climate change (SDG 13). Agriculture and food systems are on the forefront of this challenge and nowhere is this more evident than in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region. Climate change is projected to increase temperatures and extreme weather events and reduce precipitation and weather predictability. While there will be variations based on local specificity, this will result in a general reduction of the production and productivity of both crops and livestock throughout the farming systems in the NENA region. Small-scale farmers’ livelihoods are at risk due to their direct dependence on natural resources. Further, given that they are the main domestic agricultural producers, the impacts of climate change on these farmers extends beyond the farm to the food security of the region. This makes it even more important for policymakers to determine the most effective ways to support small-scale farmers to ensure that agricultural production and productivity can be managed under changing climate conditions and increasing uncertainty.

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