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National gender profile of agriculture and rural livelihoods


FAO. 2023. National gender profile of agriculture and rural livelihoods – Bangladesh. Country Gender Assessment Series. Dhaka.

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    National gender profile of agriculture and rural livelihoods
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    The Country Gender Assessment (CGA) was undertaken to analyse the agricultural and rural sector of Bhutan from a gender mainstreaming perspective in areas where the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) assists in realizing rural women’s rights and potential. The agricultural sector is the major source of income and employment with 49.2 percent of Bhutan’s population dependent on it. 57.8 percent of employed Bhutanese women are making them vital players in the food security and nutrition landscape. However, there still remain gender inequalities and constraints.
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    National gender profile of agriculture and rural livelihoods
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    This Country Gender Assessment of the Agriculture and Rural Sectors (CGA-ARS) in Pakistan identifies several gaps, challenges, priorities, and opportunities related to gender equality and rural women’s empowerment. It offers an evidence-informed analysis of rural women’s experiences, challenges and opportunities in the context of sociocultural norms and gendered power dynamics in households and society at large. It explores the state’s political will, institutional culture, enabling environment, policy initiatives and allocation of financing to achieve gender equality. It also highlights successes at the national and provincial levels in terms of advancing gender equality.
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    National gender profile of agriculture and rural livelihoods
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    The National Gender Profile of Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods Cambodia provides findings of an assessment of men’s and women’s roles, gender division of labour and gender gaps, including women’s needs and constraints in the agriculture and rural development sectors in Cambodia. It also presents findings from the assessment of policies and frameworks pertaining to gender equality in agricultural and rural development. The assessment reveals that girls and women farmers have been more recognized and given opportunities in Cambodian political and economic activities compared to the past two decades. However, it also unveils the fact that gender inequalities still remain. These include the persisting gender and social norms that place men and boys as superior to women and girls, limited representation and opportunities in leadership tasks and roles and limited educational access to agricultural skills and related technologies. Rural women in particular face limited access to and control over productive and natural resources, services, and to markets and other opportunities to scale up their businesses. It also uncovers that there are still few women holding high-ranking positions at government level, with lower representation in decision-making positions as compared to men. Through a detailed analysis of the various sub-sectors, the policy framework and the main national stakeholders, concrete recommendations are provided for Government, FAO and other relevant partners for strengthening the integration of gender equality dimensions in agricultural and rural development policies and programmes.

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