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C 93/INF/10 - 实施1992年区域会议建议

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    Book (stand-alone)
    FAO yearbook. Fishery statistics: Catches and landings, 1992 / FAO annuaire. Statistiques des pêches: Captures et quantités débarquées, 1992 / FAO anuario. Estadísticas de pesca: Capturas y desembarques, 1992 1994
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    This volume of the Yearbook of fishery statistics presents the annual statistics, for varying series of recent years ending in 1992, on a world-wide basis, on nominal catches of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic animals, residues and plants, taken for all purposes (commercial, industrial, recreational and subsistence) by all types and classes of fishing units (fishermen, vessels, gear, etc.) operating both in inland, fresh and brackish water areas, and in inshore, offshore and highs eas fishing areas. Statistics for mariculture, aquaculture and other kind of fish farming. etc., are included in country totals. In view of the importance of recreational fishing regarding some stocks and for certain countries, figures include recreational catches where available.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    FAO yearbook. Fishery statistics: Commodities, 1992 / FAO annuaire. Statistiques des pêches: Produits, 1992 / FAO anuario. Estadísticas de pesca: Productos, 1992 1994
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    The FAO Yearbook of fishery statistics: Commodities is a compilation of annual statistical data on production and foreign trade of fishery commodities for all countries and territories of the world. The Yearbook includes data series on production of processed and preserved fishery products in terms of quantity and on imports and exports of fishery products in terms of quantity and value. It also gives statistics of apparent consumption of fish and fishery products, the value and disposition of world fishery production and direction of trade for selected countries. Statistical information in the Yearbook is based primarily on data provided by the countries through questionnaires or official publications. In the absence of official data, FAO makes estimates based on the best information available.
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    Book (series)
    Pesticide residues in food 1992 - Report 1992
    Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues
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    A Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and a WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) was held in Rome, Italy, from 21 to 30 September 1992. The FAO Panel of Experts had met in preparatory sessions on 17-18 September. The Meeting was opened by Dr. H. de Haen, Assistant Deputy Director-General, FAO, on behalf of the Directors-General of FAO and WHO. In his opening remarks, Dr. de Haen referred to the importance of the conclusions of the JMPR for the work of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR) and other national and international organizations. He introduced Mr. W. J. Murray, the new FAO Joint Secretary to the JMPR.

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