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DocumentDrying sharks using a solar dome dryer 1983
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No results found.Improved methods of preparation, dressing, salting and drying of sharks are presented in this paper. Demonstration trials of the improved methodology were conducted in Aden; a solar dome dryer was used for drying. Results of the trials are analysed and discussed; a set of recommendations are included. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)Solar energy in small-scale milk collection and processing 1983
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No results found.In most developing countries nutrition of the human population is a problem of great concern. In many cases it is a problem which is becoming more difficult because populations are increasing for various social and medical reasons. Milk is fundamental in human nutrition. It is the neonatal food of all mammal species and man is fortunate in that the milk of many domesticated animals can be used as an important part of his diet throughout life. Milk is a perishable foodstuff because it is an exc ellent medium for the growth of microorganisms which cause spoilage. This can be countered by various conservation processes, some traditional, and some developed by modern technology. Even at a very modest scale of operations these processes need energy. Energy from conventional sources is becoming increasingly expensive, adding to the difficulty of promoting milk collection and processing projects in developing countries. Such countries, however, usually have a wealth of solar energy which is free and inexhaustible. The cost of such energy is that required only for the apparatus necessary to collect and transform it. This book explores the possibilities of applying solar energy to small-scale milk projects. It suggests simple processing technologies which will readily be understood by those who may have social or administrative responsibilities for the well-being of a less affluent population. It also outlines the problems of harnessing solar energy and provides the necessary backg round information for those expert in this field. These problems are such that the schemes suggested must be limited to a maximum of 1 600 litres per day and thus would be applicable primarily to village communities. It is probable that this is the scale where new effort is needed and can be of the greatest benefit to the country concerned. It is hoped that this publication will interest those concerned with promoting milk production, collection and processing schemes in developing countries a nd that the information presented will help in establishing pilot development projects, possibly with external financial and technical assistance. -
DocumentSummary review of Red Sea commercial fisheries catches and stock assessments including maps of actual and potential fishing grounds 1981
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No results found.Available literature concerning the Red Sea commercial fisheries is examined, from which a summary of information concerning catches, catch rates, species compositions, extent and locations of fishing grounds and stock assessments is presented, in respect to each main category of fisheries type and country. It is tentatively concluded that the potential Red Sea yield is some 160.000 tons annually, of which 56% is expected to result from the application of artisanal methods, 23% from trawling and the rest possibly from purse seining. The southern half of the Red Sea is seen as considerably more productive than the northern part, with the exception of the Gulf of Suez.
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