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FAO Food Chain Crisis Early Warning Bulletin

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    FAO Food Chain Crisis Early Warning Bulletin 2017
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    The Food Chain Crisis Early Warning Bulletin is a product of collaboration between the Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES) for transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases and food safety threats, the Global Early Warning System for transboundary animal diseases, including zoonoses (GLEWS), the Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS), and coordinated by the Intelligence and Coordination Unit of the Food Chain Crisis Management Framework (FCC) of FAO.
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    FAO Food Chain Crisis Early Warning Bulletin 2016
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    The purpose of the FCC (Food Chain Crisis) Early Warning Bulletin is to inform FAO and other international organizations, countries, scientific experts, and decision makers on the forecast of threats to animal and plant health and food safety having a potential high impact on food and nutrition security for the three months ahead. These threats are transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases including forest pests and aquatic diseases, and food safety threats. The bulletin contains officia l and unofficial information from various sources collected and analyzed by FAO experts.
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    FAO Food Chain Crisis Early Warning Bulletin., no. 22 January-March 2017 2017
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    The purpose of the FCC (Food Chain Crisis) Early Warning Bulletin is to inform FAO and other international organizations, countries, scientific experts, and decision makers on the forecast of threats to animal and plant health and food safety having a potential high impact on food and nutrition security for the three months ahead. These threats are transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases including forest pests and aquatic diseases, and food safety threats. The bulletin contains officia l and unofficial information from various sources collected and analyzed by FAO experts.

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