Overview of the programme for the FAO Regional Meeting on “Agricultural Biotechnologies in Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition”

dc.date.issued 2017
dc.date.lastModified 2019-05-30T19:59:21.0000000Z
dc.format.numberofpages 8p.
dc.identifier.url http://www.fao.org/3/a-bt683e.pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher FAO ;
dc.rights.copyright FAO
dc.title Overview of the programme for the FAO Regional Meeting on “Agricultural Biotechnologies in Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition”
dc.title.subtitle Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11-13 September 2017
dc.type Meeting
fao.edition 1
fao.identifier.jobnumber BT683E
fao.identifier.uri http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/dca18ddd-139e-4c9e-8cd6-06a2fd4f43ba
fao.meetingsymbol Agricultural Biotechnologies in Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition
fao.placeofpublication Rome, Italy ;
fao.subject.agrovoc Asia and the Pacific
fao.subject.agrovoc meetings
fao.subject.agrovoc biotechnology
fao.subject.agrovoc plant biotechnology
fao.subject.agrovoc animal biotechnology
fao.subject.agrovoc sustainable agriculture
fao.subject.agrovoc rice
fao.subject.agrovoc freshwater prawns and shrimps
fao.subject.agrovoc goat meat
fao.subject.agrovoc livestock production
fao.subject.agrovoc livestock breeds
fao.subject.agrovoc climate-smart agriculture
fao.subject.agrovoc FAO
fao.visibilitytype LIMITED GLOBAL
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