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An ecological framework for marine fishery investigations

Caddy, J.F. and G.D. Sharp, An ecological 1986 framework for marine fishery investigations. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap., (283):152 p.

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    This document provides a summary of the workshop presentations, discussions, conclusions and recommendations of the workshop on Putting into practice the FAO Technical Guidelines on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Fisheries: MPAs as a potential management tool for sustainable fisheries in South and South East Asia which took place in Bangkok, Thailand, on 30 January – 1 February 2012. It was jointly organised by FAO, SEAFDEC and the BOBLME project. The workshop was organised in response to the recent publication of the FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries on MPAs and Fisheries with the purpose of disseminating these Guidelines, supporting existing initiatives promoting effective MPA management and promoting cross-sectoral coordination and collaboration. Accordingly, the workshop objectives included: (i) to introduce the recently published FAO MPA and fisheries guidelines, (ii) to contribute to successful MPA management in the countries of South and South Eas t Asia, and (iii) to identify issues, best practices and critical processes and institutional/planning/ implementation elements for implementing MPAs in the context of fisheries.

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