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Prospectus of the Symposium on Aquaculture Development - Partnership Between Science and Producer Associations

Meeting document EIFAC/XXIII/2004/Inf.3

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Report and Proceedings of the EIFAC Symposium on Aquaculture Development - Partnership between Science and Producers Associations. Wierzba, Poland, 26-29 May 2004 2006
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    The Symposium on Aquaculture Development – Partnership between Science and Producer Associations was held in Wierzba, Poland, from 26 May to 29 May 2004 in concomitance with the Twenty-third Session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. The Symposium was attended by 72 participants from 23 countries. Five invited papers, 37 experience papers and three posters were presented. The Symposium considered existing and possible partnerships and collaboration between aquacultur e producers and scientists, government officials and other stakeholders. The Symposium further addressed opportunities and needs of aquaculture producer associations, and identified measures and recommendations to strengthen participation, activities and positions of aquaculture associations in the management and development of the aquaculture sector in Europe. In addition to the report of the Symposium, this document contains the Symposium proceedings which commence with a review of the key elements from five invited papers presented by representatives of the European Commission, the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers, the European Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture Technology and Training and the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific. Fourteen selected experience papers, presented by authors from France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, the Russian Federation, Turkey and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Norther n Ireland, cover, inter alia, aquaculture, conservation, cooperation, economic transition, ecotourism, education, fisheries, management, planning, partnerships, policy, producers associations, product chains, recirculation, risks, stakeholder participation, sustainability and the role of science.
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    Book (series)
    Proceedings of the EIFAAC symposium on inland fisheries and aquaculture: advances in technology, stock assessment and citizen science in an era of climate change
    Killarney, Ireland, 20–21 June 2022
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    The international symposium on “Inland Fisheries and aquaculture: advances in technology, stock assessment and citizen science in an era of climate change” was organized in conjunction with the thirty-first session of the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission in Killarney, Ireland on 20–21 June 2022. The symposium was organized by Inland Fisheries Ireland and the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. The symposium was attended by 105 participants from 14 countries. The main documentation comprised six invited papers and 35 experience papers and 15 posters. The symposium had five major themes, which were: (i) Inland fish stock assessment, (ii) Developments in freshwater fish monitoring technologies with an emphasis on non-destructive methods, (iii) The problems and challenges of climate change and its impacts on inland aquatic resources and fisheries, (iv) Citizen science, and (v) Aquaculture - traditional freshwater systems vs recirculation systems. The symposium provided valuable networking opportunities for the participating scientists, especially young scientists could share their research findings. Many promising studies and innovative technologies and methodologies were presented. This Occasional Paper in conjunction with a special issue of Fisheries Management and Ecology represents the proceedings of the symposium. The thirty-first session of EIFAAC, held in Killarney from 22 to 24 June 2022, discussed and endorsed the conclusions and recommendations from the symposium.

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