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Emergency Support to Restore the Livelihoods of the Poor Farming Poultry Producers Affected by the El Niño-Induced Drought and Salt-Water Intrusion Effect - TCP/VIE/3605

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    Emergency Support to Households Affected by El Niño-Induced Drought in the Kingdom of Eswatini - TCP/SWA/3601 2019
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    The agriculture sector is crucial to the livelihoods of over 70 percent of the rural population in the Kingdom of Eswatini, most of whom are subsistence farmers. The country faces a number of challenges to agricultural production, including drought induced by El Niño. In February 2016, the El Niño-induced drought was declared a national disaster, causing serious implications for approximately 35 000 households who were not be able to afford inputs for planting, as well as many other farmers who experienced a drastic decline in harvest. The aim of the project was to support 2 500 of the most vulnerable households affected by the drought through the provision of emergency assistance in the form of training and technical support on the use of Climate-smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies and seed and hand tool distribution.
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    Evaluation of FAO’s contribution to building resilience to El Niño-induced drought in Southern Africa 2016-2017 2020
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    During the 2015–2016 agricultural season, Southern Africa experienced intense drought due to one of the strongest El Niño events in 50 years. With 70 percent of the population reliant on agriculture, El Niño had a direct impact on food security and caused loss of income across crop and livestock value chains. FAO activated a corporate surge support and launched its Southern Africa El Niño Response Plan, appealing for USD 109 million to support government efforts to rebuild and fortify agricultural livelihoods, restoring agricultural production, incomes and assets and increasing household access to nutritious food. FAO country teams translated the regional plan into tailored intervention packages on the ground. But while agro-meteorological and early-warning alerts were timely, they did not trigger early action. The evaluation calls on FAO to initiate a systematic approach to adaptive programming, to conduct an in-depth analysis of the factors that slowed delivery in Southern Africa, to expand on the targeting of different groups, so as to meet the needs of farmers with varying degrees of vulnerability, and to bolster learning, information-sharing and advocacy efforts across countries.
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    Strengthening the Agroclimatic Information System to Improve the Agricultural Drought Monitoring and Early Warning System in Viet Nam (News), Pilot Study in Ninh Thuan Province - TCP/VIE/3603 2020
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    As a result of the effects of El Niño, from late 2014 to summer 2016, serious drought occurred in South Central Coast, Central Highland, and Southern Viet Nam. The main reasons were low rainfall, compared with the annual average rainfall in the same period, and no rainfall in some regions. It is estimated that thousands of hectares of rice and seasonal crops were affected. The drought management approach in the country mainly focuses on crisis management or emergency response, rather than implementing a proactive approach of risk management. In order to manage drought effectively, short-term drought predictions, monitoring and early warning, vulnerability assessment, as well as mitigation and response measures were required. The project aimed to improve the agricultural drought monitoring and National Early Warning System (NEWS) in Viet Nam, by implementing a pilot in one of the country’s drought-affected provinces,Ninh Thuan.

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