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Cluster evaluation of “Establishing a hunger-free initiative for West Africa” and “Mainstreaming nutrition in CAADP and agriculture policies and programmes in sub-Saharan Africa”

Project codes: GCP/RAF/476/GER and GCP/RAF/477/GER

Annex 1. Contribution to the Evaluation of FAO Nutrition Strategy

Annex 2. List of country and regional documents – policies, strategies, investment plans and programmes

Annex 3. List of events and trainings supported and organized through both projects

Annex 4. Nutrition policy marker to assess nutrition integration in policy documents

Annex 5. Overview of findings, conclusions and recommendations

Annex 6. Stages of change

Annex 7. Task and notes from working groups at Lomé workshop

Annex 8. Country review - Namibia

Annex 9. Country review - Nigeria

Annex 10. Country review – Seychelles

Annex 11. REC review – ECOWAS

Annex 12. REC review – PRESAN

Annex 13. Evaluation Framework

​FAO. 2020. Cluster evaluation of “Establishing a hunger-free initiative for West Africa” and “Mainstreaming nutrition in CAADP and agriculture policies and programmes in sub-Saharan Africa”. Project Evaluation Series, 04/2020. Rome.

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