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Wanju: supporting local agriculture through direct food marketing

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    Supporting the Provision of Timely and Reliable Food Market Data through the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) - MTF/GLO/359/MUL 2023
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    From 2007 to 2010, international food markets were highly volatile, owing in part to a lack of reliable, up-to-date information on crop supply, demand, stocks and export availability. The extreme price fluctuations of major agricultural commodities slowed progress in the fight against hunger and led to a series of uncoordinated policy decisions that aggravated the turbulence in international markets. To combat and prepare for unforeseen future instances of extreme market volatility, the Group of 20 (G20) called for the creation of the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) in June 2011, to “encourage major players on the agrifood markets to share data, to enhance existing information systems…and further policy dialogue and cooperation”. The System was launched shortly thereafter as a means of promoting collaboration for enhanced food market transparency that builds on and complements existing information systems.
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    Support for Increased Access and Availability of Fresh Local Food Through Development of Urban, Peri-Urban and Backyard Gardening - TCP/STK/3601 2020
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    Saint Kitts and Nevis is a net importer of food, although a significant portion of the fresh produce currently importedby the country can be grown locally. The critical food and nutrition situation faced by the country relates to the four pillars of food and nutrition security: availability, access,consumption/utilization and stability. The developmentof sustainable food production systems and theelimination of all forms of malnutrition are the long-termgoal of the Government in this priority area. Government policy is focused on the expansion of urban and peri-urbanagriculture in order to support national social protection programmes aimed at vulnerable pockets of the population. In this context, FAO assistance was requested to increase food access and availability via urban,peri-urban and backyard garden development. The project aimed to strengthen the capacity of DOA inthe training of backyard gardeners, school teachers and students to sustainably produce short-term vegetable crops, and the capacity of backyard gardeners, school teachers and students in both sustainable crop production and the development of good eating habits. These wouldbe achieved through the establishment of two backyard demonstration gardens (BDGs) and two school demonstration gardens (SDGs), one of each in selected communities of Saint Kitts and of Nevis, respectively. In addition, backyard and school gardeners would be trainedin best practices for crop production and their awareness raised of concepts of nutrition and better eating habits.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Unlocking the Potential of National Home-Grown School Meals Programmes to transform local food systems and support pandemic recovery through South-South and Triangular Cooperation - Final Report, Thematic Solution Forum N. 5
    GSSD Expo - Thailand, Bangkok - 12 September 2022
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    Final Report of the Thematic Solution Forum N 5 organized by the Rome-Based Agencies during the GSSD Expo in Bangkok, Thailand, on 12 September 2022

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