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Commodities and Trade Division

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Policy coherence for agricultural transformation in African least developed countries (LDCs)
    Aligning agriculture and trade policymaking processes
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    In many developing and least-developed countries (LDCs), the transformation of the agriculture sector is key for improving domestic food security and nutrition and for promoting economic development. However, efforts to raise agricultural productivity and develop inclusive and competitive agricultural value chains are often hampered by market- and trade-related bottlenecks, while initiatives promoting agricultural commercialisation, diversification and trade are often curbed by bottlenecks at farm or post-harvest levels. In this context, FAO, in collaboration with the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) and European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM), carried out a Multi-partner Programme Support Mechanism (FMM) Project on Trade related capacity development for food security and nutrition in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) to contribute to improved policy coherence for agricultural development and food security in these countries. This report presents the main findings of four country studies conducted under the FMM Project. The studies, carried out in Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia during 2017, analysed the alignment of agriculture and trade policies and the coordination between agriculture and trade policymaking processes in these four countries. The report begins with advocating policy coherence and its relevance for African countries in the context of agriculture and trade, before explaining the objectives of the FMM Project and its approach. Section 2 presents the main findings from the country studies in the form of key messages. Finally, Section 3 concludes with recommendations for development partners, national governments, regional organisations and other relevant stakeholders.
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    The market for non-traditional agricultural exports 2004
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    The last decade has witnessed a steady decline in the dollar values of many of the traditional agricultural export crops (TAEs) from developing countries and has highlighted the risks of depending upon a very narrow export base for foreign exchange earnings. Breaking the dependence upon the traditional primary commodities and diversifying into higher value or added value exports is not easy. This report provides an overview of the market for non-traditional agricultural exports (NTAEs). In parti cular, the report focuses upon the trends in international trade in these products, the trade and import policies of the major destination buyers, the extent of the “adding-up” problem for selected NTAEs, the lessons learned, and the prospects for developing niche markets for organic and fair trade NTAEs. The report provides detailed statistical data on trends in the export of NTAEs during the ten-year period 1992 to 2001, both in volume and value terms, analyses the contribution of develop ing countries and least-developed countries (LDCs) to trade in NTAEs and identifies the leading developing country exporters. Trade and import policies of the key destination countries for NTAEs: the European Union, the United States and Japan are examined. Trade barriers such as tariffs and other import measures, including the complex area of phytosanitary controls, are examined and the impact of tariff liberalization, tariff escalation and the extent of tariff preferences for developing countr y exporters of NTAEs are discussed.
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    Agriculture and Food Security Statistics of the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States
    Special Issue 2014
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    In a similar but wider scope than the previous special issue produced in 2011 during the 4th UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC-IV), this updated Special Issue of Agriculture and Food Security Statistics now includes information not only for of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), but also for all Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The current issue presents a compilation of upto- date available agricultural statistics covering th e general nature of the agricultural sector in LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS ranging across the crops, livestock, forest and fisheries sub-sectors. Basic data and indicators covering resource use and potential, production, consumption, utilization, trade and price volatility are presented. Some of the information on key commodities traded by the concerned group of countries is presented by the degree or stage of processing. In addition, data on recent trends in agricultural investment in LDCs, LLDCs and SIDs is also included. It is hoped that this special issue can serve as a framework for assessing each country’s state of agricultural development and provide relevant information to policy-makers and others concerned with the issues of agricultural development and food security in LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS.

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