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Scaling soil nutrient balances

Enabling mesolevel applications for African realities

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    Use of phosphate rocks for sustainable agriculture 2004
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    Extensive research on the agronomic potential and actual effectiveness of phosphate rocks (PRs) as sources of phosphorus has been carried out in Africa, Asia, Latin America and elsewhere. A wealth of information is available, but it is scattered among meeting proceedings, technical reports and scientific and other publications. This bulletin gives comprehensive coverage of the key topics regarding the utilization of PRs in agriculture, including the latest information on PR research, and provide s guidelines for the direct application of PR (DAPR) to the acid soils of the tropics and subtropics. The selected topics include: world PR deposits; characterization of PR sources; evaluation methodologies of PR sources for direct application; analysis of the biophysical and farming factors that affect the agronomic effectiveness of PR sources, together with an analysis of the socio-economic factors that influence the use and adoption of PR technologies as a capital investment to trigger agricu ltural intensification; development and use of decision-support systems for DAPR; soil P testing for PR application; available technologies for enhancing the agronomic effectiveness of indigenous PR sources; environmental issues; legislation guidelines; and future research areas and priorities.
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    Soil and plant testing and analysis. Report of an Expert Consultation, Rome, 13-17 June 1977
    FAO Soils Bulletin 38/1
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    Methods for evaluating nutrient status in order to obtain better plant growth and increased yield are constantly being developed and improved. New analytical techniques and procedures for soil and plant analysis have been invented and tested in many countries and laboratories. There have been innovations in data processing leading to preparation of more refined and specific fertilizer recommendations. The purpose of the Consultation was: i. to review advances in a) methodologies for soil and plant chemical analysis, and b) interpretation of the results obtained and the preparation of fertilizer recommendations based on these results. ii. to identify progress made and areas requiring further attention with regard to the organization of soil testing services in general and, in particular, in developing countries.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Soil and plant testing and analysis as a basis of fertilizer recommendations
    FAO Soils Bulletin 38/2
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    General principles of plant nutrition don't furnish the concrete information, necessary for practical treatments in a given situation. Thus, the questions arise which parameters must be considered an how can they be determined. This leads to consider the concepts of nutrients diagnosis, as well as the methodology and the corresponding equipment and instrumentation, for putting it into practice. The question may arise whether plant or soil analysis should be used for diagnosis crop nutrient requ irements and making fertilizer recommendations.Both methods may be complementary, not competitive and the laboratories should be in the possibility to carry out both types analysis. It is recommendable to start soil analysis prior to plant testing.There are many possibilities and methods for testing soil chemical and nutrient properties. It is indeed highly recommended to agree on a minimum of uniformity of methodology.

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