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Checklist of the parasites of fishes of Latvia.

Kirjušina, M.; Vismanis, K.Checklist of the parasites of fishes of Latvia.FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 369/3. Rome, FAO. 2007. 106p.

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    Book (series)
    Checklist of the parasites of fishes of Viet Nam 2006
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    This publication is a checklist summarizing information on the parasites of Vietnamese fishes contained in world literature dating from the earliest known record (Billet 1898) to the end of 2003. Information is presented in the form of parasite-host and host-parasite lists and contains 453 named species of parasites (not including 4 nomina nuda), distributed among the higher taxa as follows: Protozoa - 48, Myxozoa - 33, Digenea - 151, Monogenoidea - 112, Cestoda - 16, Nematoda - 53, Acanthocepha la - 21, Hirudinea - 2, Branchiura - 3, Copepoda - 12 and Isopoda - 2. Many records of parasites not identified to species level are also included. The parasite-host list is organized on a taxonomic basis and provides information for each parasite species on the environment (freshwater, brackish water, marine), the location (site of infection) in or on its host(s), the species of host(s) infected, the known geographic distribution (by administrative division) in Viet Nam and the published source s for each host and locality record. The host-parasite list is organized according to the taxonomy of the hosts, and includes, for each host, the English language and local (Vietnamese) common names, environment (freshwater, brackish water, marine), status in Viet Nam (native or exotic) and information on the known distribution in Viet Nam of the parasites. Both lists are accompanied by remarks and footnotes, as warranted, giving specific information on points of systematics, nomenclature, possi ble misidentifications, introductions, etc. Citations are included for all references, as well as parasite and host indices. The following new taxonomic combinations are made: Elongoparorchis siamensis (Oshmarin, 1965) n. comb.; Capillaria ariusi (Parukhin, 1989) n. comb., Falcaustra babei (Ky, 1971) n. comb. and Neocamallanus trichogasterae (Pearse, 1933) n. comb. The parasite fauna of fishes of Viet Nam has received considerable attention, particularly by scientists of the former Soviet Union, in the marine environment, and by Vietnamese and Czech freshwater scientists. Nevertheless, parasites have been recorded from only about 10 percent of the more than 1 300 species of marine and freshwater fish occurring in the waters of Viet Nam. Knowledge of freshwater fauna is hampered by a lack of descriptive work and by many probable misidentifications of parasites, owing to the tendency of Vietnamese workers to report European species from the local fish fauna.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Veterinary inspector’s checklist for aquaculture farms and fish processing establishments in Bosnia and Herzegovina / Cek lista za veterinarske inspektore na farmama akvakulture i objektima za preradu riba u Bosni i Hercegovini 2009
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    This document, Veterinary inspector’s checklist for aquaculture farms and fish processing establishments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, developed as one of the outputs of FAO Technical Cooperation Project TCP/BIH/3101 “Strengthening Aquaculture Health Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, presents a checklist of information that will provide guidance to veterinary inspectors of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) in conducting veterinary inspection of aquaculture farms and fish processing esta blishments in the country. The Veterinary inspector’s checklist may be applied to several types of aquaculture farms and fish processing establishments, i.e. fish hatcheries, cage-culture facilities, concrete ponds, earthen ponds, fish transporting systems and fish processing facilities. The checklist includes information on aspects of inspections, parameters to be analysed/tested or activities to be performed, samples to be collected and frequency of inspection. The legal reference to which the inspection procedure needs to be carried out is also indicated. These legal decisions ensure that appropriate sanitary practices (for fish, water, feed, facilities, etc.) and monitoring of veterinary health of fish and safety and quality of fishery products are in place. This veterinary checklist will assist in the implementation of the National Aquatic Animal Health Strategy (NAAHS) for BIH and help to protect and improve the country’s national aquatic animal health sta tus, enhance the nation’s ability to meet international aquatic animal health and food safety standards and obligations, promote sustainable aquaculture and facilitate access to international markets for aquaculture and fishery products.
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    Book (series)
    Checklist of the parasites of fishes of Bangladesh 2002
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    This checklist is part of the FAO's continuing effort to address the need for information on the occurrence of diseases and pathogens of aquatic animals in the Asia-Pacific Region. A previous checklist, published as FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 369, has summarized the parasites of fishes of the Philippines. These documents support the FAO/NACA regional strategy for the Development of Health Certification and Quarantine Guidelines for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals in As ia, a programme involving 21 Asian nations, FAO, the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA), the Office International des Épizooties (OIE) and regional and international specialists. One of the goals identified under this strategy is the development of a comprehensive information database on aquatic animal health, the Aquatic Animal Pathogen and Quarantine Information System (AAPQIS; Information provided via AAPQIS and through these checklists is intended to assist aquatic animal health workers, quarantine officers and policy makers in developing national strategies to minimize the risks associated with movement of pathogens of aquatic animals, and to make informed assessments on the possible threats presented by proposed movements of individual species of live fish and shellfish between countries. Further information on the regional programme is found in the "Asia Regional Technical Guidelines on Health Management of Live Aquatic Animals and t he Beijing Consensus and Implementation Strategy" (FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 402).

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