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Book (series)ŲÍþ£Á¸Å©×éÖ¯¹²ÏíÓãÀà×ÊÔ´¹ÜÀíר¼Ò´èÉ̻ᱨ¸æ¡£2002Äê10ÔÂ7-10ÈÕ£¬Å²Íþ±°¶û¸ù 2003The Norway-FAO Expert Consultation was held in recognition of the fact that the management of shared fishery resources remains one of the great challenges on the way towards achieving long-term sustainable fisheries. The Expert Consultation considered, in particular, the management of transboundary fish stocks and straddling fish stocks. It directed itself to the practical problems to be faced in the management of these resources within the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the 1995 UN Fish Stocks Agreement and other relevant international instruments. As such, the Expert Consultation was not designed to prescribe solutions, but was rather designed to serve as a neutral forum in which options and their implications for management could be reviewed in a constructive manner.
No Thumbnail AvailableMeetingThe World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002 and its implications for Fisheries
<i>Meeting document COFI/2003/Inf.14</i>
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