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Water auditing/water governance analysis

Governance and policy support: Methodological framework

FAO. 2024. Water auditing/water governance analysis – Governance and policy support:Methodological framework. Rome.

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    Book (series)
    Regional analysis of the nationally determined contributions in the Near East and North Africa
    Opportunities and gaps in the agriculture, water and land use sectors
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    This report provides a unique, sector-specific synthesis of the agriculture, water and land use sectors in the nationally determined contributions from Near East and North Africa. It summarizes the substantial contributions already put forward by countries, opportunities for further action and the gaps, barriers and needs that will need to be addressed if the region is to raise mitigation and adaptation ambitions. The findings of this report will help member countries to reflect on their progress in advancing toward nationally determined contributions priorities for agriculture, water and land use, and associated national climate goals including related targets under the Sustainable Development Goals. The analysis also helps to make clear the links between the nationally determined contributions from the region and the ongoing work of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in support of the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA). Finally, the report serves as a guide to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, as well as other international actors, of the support that will be required to help countries in the region move forward to implement agriculture, water and land use priorities in their NDCs and ensure that future commitments from the sector are quantifiable, verifiable and sufficiently ambitious.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Feasibility study for application of digital technologies for improved traceability and transparency along the agrifood value chains
    Case studies in the Near East and North Africa Region
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    “Agrifood value chains of small and medium-sized producers in the Near East and North Africa region have the potential to generate more value through improved access to high-value markets. Limited logistics capacity in the region, coupled with lack of access to continuous cold chain, has resulted in weak supply chain management, high level of food loss, lack of compliance with food quality and safety standards; information asymmetries; and unfair value distribution, affecting income and livelihood of small and medium-sized producers. Improving traceability and transparency along the agrifood value chains can help building consumers' trust by better tracking the origin of food, identifying, detecting and mitigating the impact of food safety and quality issues in a timely manner and enhancing price visibility and information sharing on value distribution in each stage of the value chain. Digital technologies can play an important role in enhancing traceability and transparency by ensuring the collection of comprehensive, consistent and reliable data along the supply chain, real-time tracking, easy aggregation, integration, analysis and sharing of data. Despite the recognition of game changing potential, few studies have analysed the feasibility of application of these technologies to improve traceability and transparency of value chains, from farm-gate to market, in the region. To fill this gap in knowledge, this study was conducted to understand the digital landscape in the region, examine barriers and incentives for uptake of these technologies and to propose solutions that can improve the adoption rate and sustainability of digital technologies for small and medium-sized producers.”
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Land and water governance to achieve the SDGs in fragile systems 2019
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    This publication was prepared as a background paper for the Land and Water Days event, held in Cairo, Egypt, from 31 March to 4 April 2019. In the framework of the event, the paper introduced the thematic area on "Land and Water Governance to achieve the SDGs in fragile systems", whose plenary session was held on Wednesday, 3 April 2019. Taking into consideration the fragility of the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region, the paper intends to demonstrate how land and water governance can help to reduce such condition, improve resilience and even assist in conflict resolution in the NENA region.

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