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FAO Liberia Newsletter, January 2023 – Issue #1

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    FAO ECTAD Ethiopia Newsletter October - December 2018, Issue# 5 2019
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    This newsletter is an initiative by the Emergency Center for Transboundary Animal Disease (ECTAD) Programme in Ethiopia, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The aim of the newsletter is to provide information on program updates, promote the One Health approach in Ethiopia and stimulating additional partnerships and collaborations within and outside FAO. The newsletter is intended to both internal and external audience: FAO staff, government ministries, development partners, donors, non-governmental organizations, academic and educational programs, professional societies, the private sector, media and the public. This publication contains major news, events, and programme progress covering the fifth quarter (October - December) of 2018. Among the major issues highlighted in this issue of the newsletter are developing possible scenarios and their impacts on Ethiopia’s livestock sector; launch and endorsement of a One Health Memorandum of Understanding and four years strategic plan; and establishment of a Brucellosis Technical Working Group. In addition, the publication highlights commemoration of the World Antibiotics Awareness Week; launching of a new project to support national effort against Tsetse and African Animal Trypanosomosis; following up the implementation of a laboratory information management system at the National Animal Health Diagnosis and Investigation Center; and dissemination of results of a knowledge, attitude and practice study on AMR as well as a field visit to dairy farms. Besides, a training to boost workforce capacity of East African countries to prepare for, detect, respond to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases; on Avain Influenza sample collection and testing; and enhancing multi-sectoral outbreak investigation and surveillance data analysis capabilities. Moreover, summary synopsis of a journal article entitled, “Current state of camel production systems in Ethiopia, potential MERS-CoV risk factors”
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    FAO ECTAD Ethiopia Newsletter Issue#2, January - March 2018 2018
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    The newsletter is an initiative by the Emergency Center for Transboundary Animal Disease (ECTAD) Programme in Ethiopia, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The aim of the newsletter is to provide information on program updates, promote the One Health approach in Ethiopia and stimulating additional partnerships and collaborations within and outside FAO. The newsletter is intended to both internal and external audience: FAO staff, government ministries, development partners, donors, non-governmental organizations, academic and educational programs, professional societies, the private sector, media and the general public. This publication contains major news, events, and programme progress covering the first quarter (January - March) of 2018. Major issues highlighted in this newsletter include information sharing on current cattle production systems and their impacts on public health, environment and livelihoods; and establishment of Emerging Pandemic Threat Technical Working Group. It also includes information on trainings, workshops and meetings organized for stakeholders/partners on various topics. Furthermore, this issue provides some key facts on antimicrobial resistance and feedback from one of our partner organizations-Veterinary Drug and Animal Feed Administration and Control Authority.
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    FAO Liberia Newsletter, October 2023 – Issue #4 2023
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    This is the third quarter newsletter for 2023 from FAO Liberia. This issue covers FAO Liberia's activities from July to September 2023. The newsletter includes stories on the launch of the Liberia Soil Information System, the 23rd Session of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) hosted by Liberia, a joint project to promote digital villages, updates on the Forest Farm Facility project in Liberia, FAO's technical support for the national strategic plan to improve agricultural statistics, training on construction and maintenance of fish processing facilities, FTT, engagement in the Liberia Rice Symposium, new partnerships with local NGOs for a community forestry project, and awareness-raising on World Rabies Day 2023.

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