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MeetingImproving the progress reporting on the implementation of the 1995 FAO code of conduct for responsible fisheries (CCRF), provisions relevant to aquaculture and culture-based fisheries
Meeting document COFI:AQ/IV/2008/4
2008Also available in:
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Book (series)Fisheries information in developing countries. Support to the implementation of the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. 2005
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No results found.The 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries provides a policy framework for sustainable fisheries management. Many FAO Members indicate that the lack of information continues to constrain the full and effective implementation of the Code. This Circular seeks to address a range of information issues required to support the implementation of the Code. The methodologies used were surveys, case studies, citation analysis and literature review. An assessment of the nature of the informatio n revealed the breadth of subject, historic depth and space, variety of scale and the diversity of sources. Its availability or accessibility in developing countries and the opportunities and challenges for securing access over the long term are reviewed. Gaps are identified, including the need for better integration of publications generated in developing countries into the mainstream of fisheries and aquaculture information. Strategies are proposed for improving the capture, dissemination, sha ring and preservation of fisheries information. -
MeetingQuestionnaire for monitoring the implementation of the 1995 FAO code of conduct for responsible fisheries and the international plans of action on capacity, sharks, seabirds and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
Meeting document COFI:AQ/II/2003/Inf.9
2003Also available in:
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