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Protocol on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Caribbean

FAO and Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism. 2021. Protocol on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Caribbean. Barbados, 18 April 2018. Rome, Belmopan.

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    Strengthening Capacity Building for the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, Climate Change Adaptation and Risk Management - TCP/RLA/3606 2020
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    The risk of disasters in agriculture is increasing as a resultof the growing exposure of people, their livelihoodsand assets, to extreme natural events and climate change.The unsustainable management of natural resourcesreduces the resilience of food systems even further,creating new risks and directly affecting food security.Countries have requested the support of FAO for disasterrisk reduction and to help combat climate change,understanding that the sustainable management ofresources for agriculture and food security is aprerequisite to guaranteeing the resilience of the sector.The objectives of this project were to establishinstitutional arrangements and mechanisms to fostercooperation between countries on these issues, andenhance capabilities for good practice implementation,geared towards bringing about change based on asustainable template for farming production anddevelopment, as an essential requirement toguaranteeing food security for future generations.In addition, the need to reinforce dialogue on, and actionin, regional and subregional areas was proposed to helppromote coordinated initiatives among different countriesthrough specific tools, such as policy, programme andsystem development. This allowed the project to furthertap into existing funding, including for the monitoringand early warning mechanisms for droughts, animalpest and disease control, disaster risk managementand climate change mitigation, for the sustainablemanagement of resources, especially water.
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    Governance challenges for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation convergence in agriculture - Guidance for analysis
    Governance and policy support - Discussion paper
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    This discussion paper aims to help practitioners work in a more informed and politically sensitive way to integrate actions on disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) in agriculture. It illustrates some typical governance and political economy-related barriers that may hamper convergence or integration of DRR and CCA actions. It also provides guidance for in-depth governance analysis, putting the analytical focus at national and subnational levels, while considering the international context as an important factor for convergence. The FAO Governance and Policy Support Discussion Paper series provides perspectives and concepts on critical governance and policy issues that are relevant to FAO work at country, regional and global levels. Discussion Papers are often based on work in progress, and we welcome suggestions and ideas by email at: The series is available at:
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Addressing Disaster Risk Management in Caribbean Agriculture 2015
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    Natural disasters such as drought, hurricanes, earthquakes and floods have had devastating impacts on Caribbean economies and livelihoods over the last decade. The active hurricane season of 2004 resulted in damages in the Caribbean amounting to USD 3.1 billion1, with catastrophic impacts on the gross domestic product (GDP) of member countries, particularly in Grenada (estimated at 200 percent of GDP2). These shocks have serious macroeconomic effects which have increased the incidence of poverty and which could even lead to economic crises in the country. The Agriculture Sector in particular, has been severely affected, by these weatherrelated and seismic events. Consequently, the region’s food and nutrition security has been impacted. These impacts include, inter alia, loss of crops and livestock, reduced agricultural productivity, malnutrition, forest fires, destruction of housing for livestock, increased migration of fish from the region, high food prices and loss of livelihoods of affected farmers and fisherfolk.

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