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Silage making for smallholders

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Tips for smallholder silage-making 2020
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    This short publication describes in a simple language the steps for appropriate silage preparation and storage. It also provides practical tips to farmers on how to increase the quality of their silage and its nutritional value. This publication is suitable for farmers all over the world. This publication developed within the FAO - Azerbaijan Partnership Programme, “Improvement of Cattle Production through Establishment of Effective Cattle Breeding and Feeding Systems” (UTF/AZE/010/AZE) Project.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Fish silage production and use in the Caribbean: Feasibility study for Barbados and Saint Kitts and Nevis 2020
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    It is estimated that per year in Barbados, 585 tonnes of fish waste are generated at the two main public fish markets, and 936 tonnes of waste are generated at private fish processors across the island. Therefore, Barbados produces an aggregate of 1 521 tonnes of fish waste annually. At present, approximately 90 percent of fish waste and by-products are discarded at the landfill. To produce fish silage on a large scale in Barbados the baseline cost (based on a 90 percent yield rate) is estimated to be USD 265 920, excluding the cost of fish waste and acids. Sales revenues based on competitor prices range from USD 528 485 to USD 2 044 900. During the fish silage demonstration workshop held from 23 to 26 July 2019 in Bridgetown, the cost of small-scale production (100 kg) was estimated to be USD 900 and USD 254 when using the chemical and biological methods, respectively. The existing regulatory framework has the potential to facilitate the production and utilization of fish silage. However, clearance and permission may have to be institutionalized in order for fish silage to be produced and utilized in, and or as, animal feed. These conclusive findings subsequently prompted FAO to engage in a partnership with the Caribbean Agriculture Research and Development Institute (CARDI), to develop the silage-based feeds and document their effects on the growth performance of select animals.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Fish silage production by fermentation
    A manual on how microbial fermentation can turn fish waste into a valuable feed ingredient or fertilizer
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    This publication is a practical manual that will guide the reader through the main principles of producing fish silage by fermentation and explain each step of the fermentation process needed to successfully become a fish silage producer. Fish, including shellfish, are highly nutritious and in much demand all over the world. However, fish processing by-products, in particular viscera (guts), are highly perishable. If not preserved or processed within a relatively short time after harvest, they may deteriorate rapidly making them unfit for human consumption or other uses. In many cases, processing leads to the removal of significant parts of the fish, such as the viscera, head, belly flaps and backbone. Depending on the species, these parts may represent between 30 percent and 70 percent of the fish. Some parts, such as gonads, belly flaps and backbones, may be used directly for human consumption, but most of the by-products of fish processing have traditionally been wasted, leading to negative environmental impacts, or they have been used in fresh form as feed for livestock or as fertilizers.

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