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Co-management of fisheries and mangroves as a pathway to the ecosystem approach to fisheries

Good practices and lessons learned from the Coastal Fisheries Initiative

FAO. 2024. Co-management of fisheries and mangroves as a pathway to the ecosystem approach to fisheries - Good practices and lessons learned from the Coastal Fisheries Initiative. Rome.

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Promoting sustainable coastal fisheries 2024
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    Coastal fisheries are vital to millions of people, providing healthy food and supporting livelihoods. The Coastal Fisheries Initiative (CFI) aims to make coastal fisheries more sustainable and inclusive, addressing the pressures unsustainable practices that affect marine environments, including precious ecosystems like mangroves and coral reefs. By enhancing policy frameworks, strengthening capacity, and fostering partnerships, CFI works to preserve marine resources, ensuring coastal fisheries continue contributing to food security and socio-economic development. In Cabo Verde, the CFI collaborated with the government to develop the first National Gender Strategy for Fisheries, ensuring women's inclusion in decision-making. The initiative also supported 526 fisherfolk across seven associations helping them register as public utilities, enabling access to local benefits. In Côte d’Ivoire, in partnership with the NGO Afrique Verte Environnement, the CFI restored 350 hectares of mangroves in Fresco and Sassandra. Local communities, especially women, were trained in mangrove planting techniques, with awareness campaigns highlighting mangroves' ecological importance. In Ecuador, the CFI worked with a cooperative of 65 artisanal mahi-mahi fishers to qualify for traceability labels by installing cameras and electronic logbooks on fishing boats.
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    Book (series)
    Evaluation of the project "Creating an enabling environment for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries"
    Project code: GCP/GLO/965/SWE
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    It was found that the SIDA-SSF project was robustly designed, relevant and responsive to needs and emerging opportunities to further the implementation of the SSF Guidelines. Most notable achievements include greater awareness of the SSF Guidelines at all levels, the preparation of National Plans of Action for SSF (NPOA-SSF) in selected countries, the operationalization of the Advisory and Regional Advisory Groups under the SSF Global Strategic Framework (SSF-GSF), the Illuminating Hidden Harvests (IHH) study and the celebration of the International Year for Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA) 2022. The elaboration of a monitoring system for the implementation of the SSF Guidelines has progressed. The project has influence in building the capacity of SSF organizations and actors to represent the interests of small-scale fishers and fishworkers at national level and in international fora. Partnerships are a cornerstone of project implementation and enabling to move the SSF agenda forward.Recommendations include actions to be taken by the SIDA-SSF project Core Team and FAO. They emphasize approaches and priorities, thematic areas, collaborations and partnerships, social inclusion and targeting, project administration and oversight, learning and knowledge sharing, and finally the place of SSF in “blue” narratives and initiatives as areas to build on the project results and achieve sustainability and long-term impact.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Empowering women in fisheries value chains - Good practices from Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal
    Coastal Fisheries Initiative - Promoting sustainable fisheries in coastal areas
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    This fact-sheet aims to promote the dynamism of women processors of fishery products in West Africa with regards to organization, processing, commercialization and diversification aspects. It showcases the work carried ou by women in terms of production of dried and salted grouper in Maio pilot site (Cabo Verde), production and commercialization of smoked tuna in FFT stove in Locodjro (Côte d'Ivoire) and production and commercialization of dried shrimps and molluscs in Saloum’s islands, Niodior (Senegal). The purpose is to: i) improve the efficiency of the value chain in fishing communities by sharing forms of organizational structures, good processing, and commercialization practices of fishery products by women; and ii) raise awareness to wider audience of fisheries stakeholders so they know more options for product improvement based on CFI experience.

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