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The importance of international trade for fisheries and aquaculture products

Lem, A., Castro de Souza, M. & Griffin, W. 2023. The importance of international trade for fisheries and aquaculture products. Trade policy briefs, No. 52. Rome, FAO

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    “FAO Instruments supporting the Sustainability of Traded Fish and Fisheries Products” A variety of instruments have been established within the framework of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, assisting fishers, industry, and governments in the area of management, operations, aquaculture development, coastal area management and post-harvest and trade. Among FAO instruments, the set of International Plan of Actions (IPOA) covers a wide area of fish-related issues like sharks (IPOA-sharks), fishing capacity (IPOA-capacity), seabirds (IPOA-seabirds) and IUU fishing (IPOA-IUU). The importance of small-scale fishers and developing countries at a global level in producing and supplying fish and fishery products put them at the forefront in facing specific trade measures. In this regard, the FAO Voluntary Guidelines for Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF) focuses on integrated and participatory approaches for small-scale fishers to reduce any associated barriers.

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