FAO Investment Centre – Annual review 2020

dc.contributor.author FAO
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.date.lastModified 2021-07-14T15:39:41.0000000Z
dc.description.abstract The FAO Investment Centre provides a wide range of support services to help countries make more and better investments in food and agriculture. This review looks back at the work the Centre carried out with its partners in 2020. Despite a challenging year amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centre’s global team supported investment-related policy and sector studies to increase policy dialogue and contributed to the design, technical assistance, supervision or evaluation of investment projects in 120 countries. The Centre increasingly linked both its policy work with investment support to scale up impact. And it promoted greater knowledge sharing and innovation, while also helping to strengthen the capacity of people and institutions to make better investment decisions. The Centre continues to remain relevant by adapting its skills and expertise to keep pace with a constantly evolving investment landscape and fast-changing world and by advocating for more sustainable agri-food systems.
dc.format.numberofpages 81 p.
dc.identifier.isbn 978-92-5-134531-3
dc.identifier.url http://www.fao.org/3/cb5035en/cb5035en.pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher FAO ;
dc.rights.copyright FAO
dc.title FAO Investment Centre – Annual review 2020
dc.type Book (stand-alone)
fao.altmetricbadge Yes
fao.citation <div class="ExternalClassE073CB7009D943CEA585E75CFAEB0AC8"><p>FAO. 2021.&#160;<em>FAO Investment Centre – Annual review 2020.</em><em>&#160;</em>Rome.&#160;<br></p></div>
fao.contentcategory General interest
fao.edition 1
fao.fourbetters A Better Life; Amélioration des conditions de vie; Una vida mejor; улучшение качества жизни; 更好的生活; حياة أفضل
fao.identifier.doi https://doi.org/10.4060/cb5035en
fao.identifier.googlebookurl https://books.google.it/books?id=UUs2EAAAQBAJ&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&dq=FAO+Investment+Centre+%E2%80%93+Annual+review+2020&source=gbs_navlinks_s
fao.identifier.jobnumber CB5035EN
fao.identifier.uri http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cb5035en
fao.placeofpublication Rome, Italy ;
fao.sdgs 01. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
fao.sdgs "08. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent worlk for all
fao.subject.agrovoc investment
fao.subject.agrovoc investment policies
fao.subject.agrovoc support measures
fao.subject.agrovoc knowledge
fao.subject.agrovoc innovation
fao.subject.agrovoc capacity development
fao.subject.agrovoc FAO
fao.visibilitytype PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE
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