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Step it up with equality

Key elements for gender mainstreaming in FAO projects

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    Guide to mainstream gender in the FAO project cycle 2024
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    This is an updated version of the 2017 Guide to mainstreaming gender in the FAO project cycle. It provides project formulators with practical guidance and tools to implement the gender related requirements established in the different phases of the FAO project cycle, and to support the formulation of projects and programs that contribute to advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in agrifood systems, as foreseen by FAO’s mandate.
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    Better life: Gender equality and women’s empowerment at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    2022–2023 highlights
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    This report showcases gender equality and women’s empowerment highlights in 2022 and 2023 and is divided into global and regional highlights. Its overall objective is to share major achievements, good practices and lessons learned in 2022–2023 and to guide FAO’s upcoming work to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment. Gender equality and women’s empowerment is a cross-cutting theme that is inextricably linked to FAO's mandate and the priorities defined by its Strategic Framework (2022–2031). The FAO Policy on Gender Equality (2020–2030) states that “persisting inequalities between women and men are a major obstacle to agriculture and rural development and that eliminating these disparities is essential to building sustainable and inclusive food systems and resilient and peaceful societies”.
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    Analysing the agrifood sector in Lebanon through the perspective of gender-sensitive value chains
    Concise study
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    This study identifies value chain (VC) opportunities for women cooperatives, associations and individuals by adopting the FAO Gender-Sensitive Value Chain (GSVC) framework of analysis. In addition to the core and extended VC levels, as well as the national and global enabling environment. This framework adds two dimensions to be analyzed which are the individual and household levels, the areas in which gender inequalities frequently start from. Therefore, adding these two levels of analysis facilitates the systematic integration of gender equality into VC development programmes and projects. In addition to experts for each sub-sector, namely plant production, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture, animal production and agro-processing, this study included a gender consultant who played a major role in the different phases of the study. These included preparing and giving workshops to the sub-sector experts prior to the literature review and analysis, aligning their work within a gender framework, in addition to participating in the data collection phase, where the consultant revised the data collection tools prepared by the sub-sector experts for the Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), Survey and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and attended the majority of the KIIs. The consultant additionally revised the analysis of each sub-sector, included a gender assessment and assisted in the study’s reporting.

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