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DocumentFAO Regional Programme Framework for Disaster Risk Management 2010 -2013
Reducing and managing disaster risk to improve food and livelihood security in Eastern and Central Africa
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No results found.Each year, countries in the Eastern and Central region of Africa (ECA) experience the highest number of natural hazards and people -induced disasters in all of Africa. More and more people are adversely affected by natural hazards, such as droughts and floods, as well as crop and livestock diseases, civil conflicts, unstable market conditions and volatile food prices, gender inequalities and HIV. As they result in the loss of lives, assets and livelihoods, these natural and people-induced disast ers affect men and women differently and, at the same time, weaken the social support systems. Given the complex nature of often simultaneous and protracted crises affecting ECA, coordinated action towards adopting a more holistic approach is needed. Such an approach would integrate disaster risk reduction (pre-disaster preparedness, prevention and mitigation) into emergency response and post-disaster recovery strategies. In line with this need, FAO has elaborated a new Strategic Framewo rk that will serve as the foundation for the regional disaster risk management (DRM) programme in Eastern and Central Africa. The regional approach is based on the new corporate strategy aimed at improving preparedness and response to food and agricultural threats and emergencies by effectively linking short- and long-term interventions through disaster risk reduction (preparedness, prevention and mitigation), emergency response and transition options. This Regional DRM Programme Framewo rk provides an integrated approach to disaster risk reduction (DRR) and DRM interventions on natural hazards, crises and threats common to countries in ECA and acts as a platform for the development of national Plans of Action (PoAs). This Framework is intended as a working document, subject to change, aimed at supporting the development and implementation of DRR and DRM efforts in food and agriculture in coordination with governments, regional economic commissions (RECs), African Union (AU), UN -system, particularly the other two Rome-based agencies (the World Food Programme [WFP] and the International Fund for Agricultural Development [IFAD]), NGOs and other stakeholders in the region. Three main programme priorities are foreseen for 2010-2013: (1) to enhance and promote risk reduction concepts and practices in programming; (2) to increase the timeliness and quality of emergency response to disasters, crises and threats; and (3) to integrate transition concepts and linkages related t o transforming risks into programming. The overall objective of the Regional DRM Programme Framework is to lessen the adverse impacts of hazards, to reduce vulnerability and to strengthen community resilience, in an effort to help the countries in the region to become more food secure and to enable them to focus on developing sustainable food and agriculture systems. The following countries will be covered by this regional programme: Burundi, the Central African Republic (CAR), the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda. -
Book (stand-alone)Disaster risk management and climate change adaptation in the CARICOM and wider Caribbean region 2015
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No results found.The Programme proposal is part of an initiative of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on climate change adaptation and disaster risk management in fisheries and aquaculture in the CARICOM and wider Caribbean region. The Programme proposal was discussed at the regional workshop on the formulation of a strategy, action plan and programme proposal on disaster risk management and climate change adaptation in fisheri es and aquaculture in the CARICOM and Wider Caribbean Region, which was held in Kingston, Jamaica, from 10 to 12 December 2012. The report of the regional workshop is included in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings N. 35. The Programme proposal supports the implementation of the Strategy and action plan which were discussed during the same workshop. Proposals are set out in the format of the logical framework used by many technical and funding agencies within and beyond the CARICOM region.
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