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Report of the ninth session of the Scientific Advisory Group, Christ Church, Barbados, 19-20 November 2018/ Rapport de la neuvième session du Groupe scientifique consultatif, Christ Church, Barbade, 19-20 Novembre 2018/ Informe de la octava sesión del Grupo Asesor Científico, Christ Church, Barbados, 19-20 de Noviembre de 2018.

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    Report of the FAO Technical Workshop on Advancing Aquaponics through Strengthened Value Chains. Christ Church, Barbados, 11 - 14 December 2018 2019
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    A technical training workshop on advancing aquaponics was held in Christ Church, Barbados, in the period 11–14 December 2018. Twenty seven international participants were present from seven countries (Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago). This activity was supported under two UN FAO-funded projects: Towards a Caribbean Blue Revolution and Climate Change Adaptation in the Eastern Caribbean Fisheries Sector Project (CC4FISH). The four-day workshop was convened by FAO and consisted of lectures, participatory group sessions and hands-on activities supported by aquaponics and value chain experts from FAO and supported by local subject matter experts and other contributors. The workshop concluded with several findings and recommendations. Technical production is strong among the farmers present; however, incoming farmers need technical backstopping and training programmes for basic production technologies. There are no more than 10–20 aquaponic farmers in any Caribbean country, of which only 1–5 are commercially oriented. Access, availability and affordability of inputs are the biggest blocking issues to further development of the aquaponic sector. Based on two case studies, the profit is between 8–15 percent of the yearly operating expenses and the return on investment to payback the capital expenses is 10–20 years. Fish sales were higher than vegetable sales in the two farms by a factor of 2:1, although not all farmers take advantage of the fish sales. No farmers reported problems with sales; indeed most farmers believe that markets can absorb increased production, but comprehensive market analyses were recommended. Considering the similarities among farms in this region, it was suggested to create the Caribbean Aquaponic Association, an informal network to share information and lessons among practitioners.
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    Report of the first meeting of the regional fisheries data and statistics working group, Barbados, 14-16 May 2018 / Informe de la primera reunión del grupo de trabajo regional sobre los datos y estadísticas de pesca, Barbados 14-16 de Mayo de 2018. 2019
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    The first meeting of the Regional Fisheries Data and Statistics Working Group (FDS-WG) was convened in Barbados from 14-16 May 2018. The Regional FDS WG is a joint working group of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC), the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), and Organization for Fisheries and Aquaculture of Central America (OSPESCA). The 26 participating experts, representing 16 WECAFC members, were presented with and discussed key documents meant to build the foundation of this new working group. La primera reunión del Grupo de trabajo regional sobre datos y estadísticas de pesca (GTDEP) se celebró en Barbados, del 14 al 16 de mayo de 2018. El GTDEP regional es un grupo de trabajo conjunto de la Comisión de Pesca para el Atlántico Centro-Occidental (COPACO), el Mecanismo Regional de Pesca del Caribe (CRFM) y la Organización del Sector Pesquero y Acuícola del Istmo Centroamericano (OSPESCA). Se presentaron a los 26 expertos participantes, en representación de los 16 miembros de la COPACO, y se debatieron documentos importantes para sentar las bases de este nuevo grupo de trabajo.
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    Report of the WECAFC-FIRMS Data workshop, Christ Church, Barbados, 19-21 January 2016 2016
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    A regional workshop was held in Barbados on 19-21 January 2016 and was attended by thirteen countries (mostly Caribbean Island states), two EU overseas territories, and four regional organizations. This workshop was a cornerstome milestone of the action on “Strengthening national data collection and regional data sharing through FIRMS to support priority regional fishery management plans in the WECAFC area”, funded by EU-DG MARE. The workshop intended to be innovative, addressing the entire data value adding chain from national data collection, through data sharing and analysis at regional level, up to the dissemination of assessment results to the broader public through FIRMS reports. The chosen approach placed the question of statistical data collection (the WHAT) and regional data sharing (the HOW) in respect of the final use (the WHY). The workshop reviewed existing situation regarding current practices, issues and gaps in data collection, processing and dissemination at national l evel. Through prioritization sessions, recommendations were made for achieving the RDB in support to stock assessment and fishery management plans. Practical follow-up actions and road map building as much as possible on existing frameworks and collaborations were endorsed by the participants, with proper identification of responsibilities, resources and time frames. As part of these, recommendations were formulated to ventilate statistics/data/IT related ToRs across existing Species WECAFC-CRF M-OSPESCA working groups and the need for an ad’hoc transversal working group was endorsed by the workshop.

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