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Report on the ministerial roundtable beyond the Asian crisis: sustainable agricultural development and poverty alleviation in the next millennium

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    Book (stand-alone)
    The Bangkok declaration and the strategy for aquaculture development beyond 2000: the aftermath 2001
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    The document reviews the recommendations contained in the above declaration, which was issued by the Conference on Aquaculture in the Third Millennium held in February 2000 in Bangkok. The declaration laid down guidelines for the development of aquaculture so that it can help meet the food needs of the growing world population as global capture fisheries production continues to decline. Yet aquaculture promotion must take into account the increasing pressure on land, water and other natural reso urces and the need to ensure that large-scale aquaculture operations do not have negative environmental and social-economic impacts. The publication examines the various issues raised by the Bangkok declaration, ranging from recognition of the value of indigenous knowledge, poverty alleviation and the application of modern scientific knowledge, to promoting market development and regional and inter-regional cooperation. The document includes sections on aquaculture development trends in the four Asian subregions as well as individual accounts of aquaculture in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand and Viet Nam.
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    Report of the Nineteenth Session of the Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics 2003
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    This document presents the report of the Nineteenth Session of the Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics held in Seoul, Republic of Korea from 21 to 25 October 2002. The session was attended by 60 delegates and observers from 20 member countries and four UN and international organizations. The conference assessed the current status of food and agricultural statistical development in the member countries and discussed new developments in agricultural statistics including millenni um development goals, image scanning technology for processing of agricultural survey and census data, impact/consequences of irregular censuses, and preparations for the World Census of Agriculture 2010 and indicators for agricultural policy analysis. A report on the Japan/FAO projects to improve agricultural statistics in Asia and Pacific countries and strengthen regional data exchange was also discussed, besides fishery and forestry statistics. Recommendations and follow-up actions are includ ed in the session report.

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