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Book (series)Global Early Warning – Early Action Report on Food Security and Agriculture 2017
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No results found.The Global Early Warning - Early Action System (EWEA) report on food security and agriculture is developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) through its EWEA. The system aims to translate forecasts and early warnings into anticipatory action. The Global EWEA report is a quarterly forward-looking analytical summary of major disaster risks to food security and agriculture. This report specifically highlights: HIGH RISK: Yemen (risk of famine), South Sudan (risk o f famine due to conflict), Nigeria – northeast (risk of famine due to conflict), Somalia (risk of famine due to drought), Democratic Republic of Congo (localized conflict), Kenya & Ethiopia (drought). ON WATCH: Africa – Fall Armyworm (outbreak), Uganda (displacement), Sri Lanka (prolonged drought and localized floods), Central African Republic (escalation of localized conflict driving displacements), Chad (displacement and deteriorating food security) and El Niño (droughts, floods and cyclones). -
Book (series)Global Early Warning – Early Action Report on Food Security and Agriculture
January - March 2018
2018Also available in:
No results found.The Global Early Warning - Early Action System Report on food security and agriculture is developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) through its Early Warning/Early Action System (EWEA). The System is developed by FAO to translate forecasts and early warnings into anticipatory action. The aim of EWEA is to enable FAO to act early before disasters take place to mitigate or even prevent their impact. By lessening damages to livelihoods and protecting assets and investments, FAO can help local livelihoods become more resilient to threats and crises. The Global EWEA report is a quarterly forward-looking analytical summary of the major disaster risks to food security and agriculture. The report highlights specifically two kinds of contexts: Potential new emergencies caused by an imminent disaster threats; and countries currently facing protracted crises or already in the response stage of an emergency. The risk of a significant deterioration of the situation with a severe impact on food security and/or agriculture is also covered. For this kind of risk, the analysis will focus on the additional risk factors which would, either alone or in combination with others, lead to a substantial deterioration of the situation. -
BookletGlobal Early Warning – Early Action Report on Food Security and Agriculture
April - June 2017
2017Also available in:
No results found.The quarterly Global Early Warning – Early Action Report on Food Security and Agriculture monitors situations at risk for potential disasters and adverse impacts on food security and agriculture. Risks are categorized according to their potential consequence as either “high risk” or “on watch” so that preventive action can be taken. The Report provides consolidated, easy to read, country-by-country mapping and analysis of crisis situations such as conflict, drought, flood, plants and animals pests and diseases. In the April to June, 2017 issue, areas of high risk are South Sudan, due to ongoing famine and conflict; and Yemen and Northeast Nigeria where there is risk of famine linked to conflict; and Somalia, where risk of famine is due to continuing drought. Current on watch situations are caused by a potential El Niño. In the Sub-Saharan Region there is a Fall Army Worm outbreak; In Syria, Iraq, and the Democratic Republic of Congo food security is at risk due to conflict; while Kenya, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, and Uganda are at risk because of drought, and as well, displacement is an added factor for Uganda; Madagascar has dry conditions and cyclone.
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