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Book (stand-alone)Climate-change impacts on plant pests: a technical resource to support national and regional plant protection organizations 2024
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No results found.Climate change is having an impact on ecosystems and agricultural production systems throughout the world. It influences international trade flows of plants and plant products and it will change the infectivity, severity and distribution of plant pests throughout the world. Preventive, mitigation and adaptation measures by national plant protection organizations (NPPOs) and regional plant protection organizations (RPPOs) are essential to limit the international spread of pests adapting to climate change.Climate-change impacts on ecosystems, pests and vectors also threaten the international trading system, as international trade provides a pathway for pests and vectors to spread into new areas of the world. To facilitate safe international trade in plants and plant products, it is therefore imperative to strengthen national, regional and international phytosanitary capacities regarding climate change. The aim of this document is to provide technical and operational advice to NPPOs and RPPOs on how to effectively assess and manage the pest risk that is a consequence of climate change. -
ProjectSupport to Forest Code Revision and Institutional Reform in Mauritius - TCP/MAR/3602 2020
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No results found.Mauritius is a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) in theEastern Indian Ocean with a population of 1.3 million. Itsmain resources are tourism, sugar cane production andfisheries. It faces the typical constraints of a SIDS, namelysmall area and population, limited skilled humanresources, diseconomies of scale, remoteness from majormarkets, scarce natural resources and vulnerability tonatural disasters, especially in the context of climatechange.The economy of Mauritius, which was once based on themonoculture of sugar cane, shifted at the start of the1970s towards the development of offshore bankingservices, real estate, ICT, textiles and tourism, with thecountry welcoming around a million tourists each year.With the Government’s attempts to promote bothbusiness tourism and ecotourism, a clear focus has beenplaced on the conservation of biodiversity.Although the National Forest Policy document, issued in2006, explicitly details the necessary elements for anenabling context for the full implementation of the policy,its directions have not been adequately implemented dueto major gaps and inconsistencies in the national legal andregulatory frameworks and in the current institutionalsetting. -
ArticleMaking food systems more resilient to food safety risks by including artificial intelligence, big data, and internet of things into food safety early warning and emerging risk identification tools 2024
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No results found.To enhance the resilience of food systems to food safety risks, it is vitally important for national authorities and international organizations to be able to identify early signals of emerging food safety risks and to provide early warning in a timely manner. This review provides an overview of existing and experimental applications of artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and internet of things tools and methods as part of early warning and emerging risk identification in the food safety domain. There is an ongoing rapid development of systems fed by numerous, real-time, and diverse data with the aim of early warning and identification of emerging food safety risks. The suitability of big data and AI to support such systems is illustrated by two cases in which climate change drives the emergence of risks, namely, harmful algal blooms affecting seafood and fungal growth and mycotoxin formation in crops. Automation and machine learning are crucial for the development of future real-time food safety risk early warning systems. Although these developments and tools increase the feasibility and effectiveness of prospective early warning and emerging risk identification, their implementation may prove challenging, particularly for low- and middle-income countries due to low connectivity and data availability. It is advocated to overcome these challenges by improving the capability and capacity of national authorities, as well as by enhancing their collaboration with the private sector and international organizations.
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