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Climate change guidelines for forest managers

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    Book (series)
    Analysis of forests and climate change in Eastern Africa 2017
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    The purpose of the report is to: - review and analyze forestry and climate change policies, institutions, governance, regulations, technical assistance, capacity building and communication with a particular focus on the pilot countries. - evaluate the new challenges, opportunities and constraints posed by climate change to forest management in the pilot countries - identify if and how forest managers are adjusting their management practices to accommodate climate change considerations and what c hanges they might make in the near and medium term - identify gaps in knowledge, policies or regulations required for adequate management responses to climate change
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    Book (series)
    Climate change for forest policy-makers
    An approach for integrating climate change into national forest policy in support of sustainable forest management – Version 2.0
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    The critical role of forests in climate change mitigation and adaptation is now widely recognized. Forests contribute significantly to climate change mitigation through their carbon sink and carbon storage functions. They play an essential role in reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing adaptation of people and ecosystems to climate change and climate variability, the negative impacts of which are becoming increasingly evident in many parts of the world. In many countries climate change issues have not been fully addressed in national forest policies, forestry mitigation and adaptation needs at national level have not been thoroughly considered in national climate change strategies, and cross-sectoral dimensions of climate change impacts and response measures have not been fully appreciated. This publication seeks to provide a practical approach to the process of integrating climate change into national forest programmes. The aim is to assist senior officials in government administrations and the representatives of other stakeholders, including civil society organizations and the private sector, prepare the forest sector for the challenges and opportunities posed by climate change. This document complements a set of guidelines prepared by FAO in 2013 to support forest managers incorporate climate change considerations into forest management plans and practices.
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    Strengthening Community Resilience to Climate Change and Safeguarding Livelihoods in Malawi - GCP/MLW/067/EC 2023
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    In addition to its high vulnerability to climate change and variability, Malawi also has low capacity to adapt to the phenomenon, with the subsequent impact therefore posing a serious developmental challenge. In this context, the European Union’s Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) programme financed a four and a half year programme with FAO to address community resilience to climate change in Malawi through the present Action. The Action was aimed at strengthening the resilience of vulnerable communities to climate variability and change through sound safety nets and productive investments, using a holistic approach that blends disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA), addressing the multiple threats to livelihoods through short and medium term interventions. It was designed to consolidate linkages and synergies among ongoing resilience building and social protection programmes led by the Government.

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