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The global distribution of human-induced land degradation and areas at risk

SOLAW21 Technical background report

Coppus, R. 2023. The global distribution of human-induced land degradation and areas at risk – SOLAW21 Technical background report. Rome, FAO.

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    This local level land resources assessment methodology (LADA-Local) was produced within the Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) project. See Box 1 for the LADA project objectives and outcomes and the website for further information. The main purpose of LADA-Local is to provide a standard methodological approach and tool-kit for the assessment of land degradation processes, their causes and impacts at local1 level in collabor ation with local stakeholders and communities. The focus is on human-induced land degradation; however, natural degradation processes are also addressed. For a more balanced and complete understanding, the approach also assesses the extent to which land resources (soil, vegetation, water) and landscapes/ecosystems are being conserved and/or improved by sustainable land management (SLM) practices.
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    This local level land resources assessment methodology (LADA-Local) was produced within the Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) project. See Box 1 for the LADA project objectives and outcomes and the website for further information. The main purpose of LADA-Local is to provide a standard methodological approach and tool-kit for the assessment of land degradation processes, their causes and impacts at local1 level in collabor ation with local stakeholders and communities. The focus is on human-induced land degradation; however, natural degradation processes are also addressed. For a more balanced and complete understanding, the approach also assesses the extent to which land resources (soil, vegetation, water) and landscapes/ecosystems are being conserved and/or improved by sustainable land management (SLM) practices.

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