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Livelihood adaptation to climate variability andchange in drought-prone areas of Bangladesh

Developing institutions and options

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Climate variability and change: adaptation to drought in Bangladesh
    A resource book and training guide
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    This resource book has been tested and prepared as a reference and guide for further training and capacity building of agricultural extension workers and development professionals to deal with climate change impacts and adaptation, using the example of drought-prone areas of Bangladesh.
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    Community seedbed for rice in drought prone areas of Bangladesh 2012
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    Choosing the optimum time for transplanting is a most essential prerequisite for rice cultivation, to ensure proper and optimal growth of plants and increase the yield and to synchronize cultivation practices for irrigation and control of pest, diseases or rats. T. aman (transplanted aman) rice is planted under rain fed conditions during the monsoon season. In case of drought, t. aman rice cultivation suffers significant damages, which can cause increase in prices for staple food, and increase risk of seasonal food shortages. Therefore, timely transplantation is essential to secure higher production. Community participation and collective action in cultivating rice are especially important in areas regularly prone to natural hazards such as north-western Bangladesh. This practice is designed to facilitate and promote community - based joint seedling production of t. aman rice to ensure timely availability of seedlings to all community members for early transplantation, and thus contributing to timely growing of plants and increasing yields.
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    Diversifying cropping patterns in drought prone areas in Bangladesh 2012
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    Adaptation options to climate variability and change in north-western Bangladesh need to consider alternative cropping patterns and cultivation practices to support the most efficient use of the limited natural resources. Diversification and adjustment of cultivated crops is a traditional adaptation practice contributing to minimize the risk of crop failure due to drought. However, diversification can be further strengthened by interactive systematic testing, selection and dissemination of appropriate crops and varieties. This may be accomplished in a participatory way between research institutions and farmers (groups). The introduction of more drought-resistant crops and cropping patterns are important options to help reducing vulnerability to climate change.

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