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Application of risk analysis to food standards issues

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    FAO/WHO Joint Expert Meeting on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA): Twenty Years of International Microbiological Risk Assessment 2021
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    Since the late 1990s, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO) has convened expert meetings and consultations to address the microbiological risk assessment (MRA). These meetings are held to provide scientific advice in response to requests for from Codex Alimentarius, the international food standard-setting body. Individuals participate in the FAO/WHO joint expert meetings on the microbiological risk assessment (JEMRA) in their personal capacity, as technical experts, yet bring diverse regional and national perspectives that contribute to practical applications, particularly for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Over 370 experts from around the globe have contributed to the meeting outcomes that have been published in nearly 40 monographs in the FAO/WHO microbial risk assessment (MRA) series, addressing particular food commodities with microbial hazard(s) combinations or a methodological aspect of microbial risk assessment. FAO/WHO MRA series inform Codex decision-making for the development of international standards for safe food and fair trade in food products; are consulted by risk managers such as food safety authorities and food business operators to make science-based decisions, and are used by academics to advance food safety research and educate the next generation of food safety professionals.
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    The Use of Microbiological Risk Assessment Outputs to Develop Practical Risk Management Strategies: Metrics to improve food safety
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    In 2004 FAO and WHO agreed that more work was needed in this area and this was endorsed by the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene. FAO and WHO then initiated a programme of activities to address this, with the ultimate objective of providing guidance in the application of MRA to establish specific numerical targets or standards. These activities have included the establishment of a number of working groups to look at the issues and the results of microbiological risk assessment to develop food cont rol measures, with particular emphasis on the establishment of targets or metrics and their application. The outputs of these working groups and other relevant documentation were then considered and discussed by an expert meeting convened in Kiel, Germany on 3 – 7 April 2006. This report aims to summarise the recent international discussions and their outcomes and provide an overview as to the current status in terms of the application of MRA in food safety management. Although good progress has been made in recent years, many challenges remain.
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    Risk assessment of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods. Technical report. Microbiological Risk Assessment Series (MRA) 5 2004
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    Listeria monocytogenes is widely dispersed in the environment and foods, and is capable of growing even at refrigeration temperatures. Foodborne listeriosis, although relatively rare, is a clinically serious disease with a high case-fatality rate that largely affects specific higher-risk segments of the population. Cases of listeriosis appear to be predominately associated with ready-to-eat products. This volume addresses the risk of listeriosis associated with such foods. It has been prepar ed and reviewed by an international group of experts, with input from FAO/WHO expert consultations, the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene, and peer and public review. The sections in this volume include data and methodology relevant to the four steps of risk assessment – hazard identification, exposure assessment, hazard characterization and risk characterization – of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods. It includes four example risk assessments addressing the risk of listeriosis as sociated with fresh milk, ice cream, fermented meats and cold-smoked fish. These products were selected to represent typical classes of ready-to-eat products. This volume and others in this Microbiological Risk Assessment Series contain information that is useful to both risk assessors and risk managers, the Codex Alimentarius Commission, governments and food regulatory agencies, industries and other people or institutions with an interest in the area of Listeria monocytogenes, its impact o n public health and food trade, and the use microbiological risk assessment in control strategies.

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