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Report of the Technical Consultation on the Voluntary Guidelines for Catch Documentation Schemes

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    Report of the Expert Consultation on Catch documentation Schemes (CDS), Rome, 20-24 July 2015 2015
    The Expert Consultation on Catch Document Schemes was convened by FAO, with the support of Norway, in Rome, 21–24 July 2015. The Consultation was tasked with developing draft voluntary guidelines, in accordance with the six principles, to be submitted for adoption at the thirty-second session of COFI subject to prior review by the fifteenth session of the COFI Sub-committee on Fish Trade and further technical consultation processes as deemed appropriate. The draft CDS guidelines, attached as App endix D of this report, represent the primary output of the Consultation. The content is divided into nine sections: Preamble, Purpose and scope, Objective, Definitions, Principles, Application of basic principles, Special requirements of developing states, CDS recommended standards and functions, and Data requirements/formats.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Voluntary Guidelines for Catch Documentation Schemes 2017
    “Catch Documentation Scheme” (CDS), means a system with the primary purpose of helping determine throughout the supply chain whether fish originate from catches taken consistent with applicable national, regional and international conservation and management measures, established in accordance with relevant international obligations. This document, the Voluntary Guidelines for Catch Documentation Schemes, is the direct output of a series of meetings including the Expert Consultation (Rome, J uly 2015), COFI Sub-Committee on Fish Trade (Agadir, February 2016), Technical Consultation (Rome, April 2016, July 2016 and April 2017) and COFI 32 (Rome, July 2016). The Guidelines were officially adopted by the FAO Conference at its Fortieth Session in July 2017. The content of the Guidelines is divided into seven sections and one annex. In order, these sections are: Scope and Objective, Definition, Basic Principles, Application of Basic Principles, Cooperation and Notification, Recommended F unctions and Standards, Cooperation with and Recognition of the Special Requirements of Developing States. The annex includes Information Elements for Catch Certificate and Additional Information along the Supply Chain
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    Declaring an International Day for the Fight against IUU Fishing 2016
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    At its thirty-ninth session in 2015, the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean of the FAO (GFCM) proposed that an initiative be launched to declare an International Day for the Fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing. Following extensive consultations, a proposal has been submitted to the attention of the thirty-second session of FAO Committee of Fisheries (COFI). This initiative could not be timelier as the world’s first internationally binding instrument specific ally targeting IUU fishing, the FAO Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, has entered into force on 5 June 2016. Upon its approval by COFI, the proposal should be submitted to the FAO Council and subsequently to the FAO Conference in July 2017 for endorsement. Once it is adopted as a resolution, the FAO Director-General will approach the UN Secretary-General with a view to declaring an international day at the UN level and including it in the UN calendar of international days and observances.

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