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Status of digital agriculture in 47 sub-Saharan African countries

FAO and ITU. 2022. Status of digital agriculture in 47 sub-Saharan African countries. Rome. 

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    Scaling up inclusive digitalization in agricultural value chains
    Thirty-sixth Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC 36)
    In Asia and the Pacific, digital transformation occurs at all stages of the value chains, from food production to consumption. The ongoing food e-commerce revolution is happening at the same time that mobile-based business models are emerging to provide advisory, marketing and financial services at scale to smallholder farmers. A parallel revolution in Industry 4.0 technologies is taking agro-industries to new levels of efficiency. Digitalization offers great potential for improving the efficiency and sustainability of value chains, and achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 2 and 13 (No Poverty, Zero Hunger and Climate Action). There are, however, several risks associated with digitalization, from potential job losses to environmental degradation and data governance concerns. Different value chains, and actors within them, digitalize at varying speeds and would therefore require tailored digitalization strategies to leave no one behind. Policymakers in the region need to facilitate the scaling up of digital innovations along agricultural value chains in an inclusive and sustainable manner, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Members are invited to provide guidance on how FAO can best support them in fostering the inclusive digitalization of agricultural and food value chains.
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    The opportunity cost of not repurposing public expenditure in food and agriculture in sub-Saharan African countries
    Background paper for The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2024
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    Repurposing public support to food and agriculture has gained significant global attention. However, resources allocated to support the food and agriculture sector may not be high enough for significant repurposing in sub-Saharan Africa. This paper shows that most governments in 18 sub-Saharan African countries have allocated small shares of their budget to agriculture since 2004. Their narrow fiscal space and budget implementation capacity constrain any sizable increase in the budget allocated to agriculture. In this paper, an innovative policy optimization modelling tool helps us assess what would happen if the limited budget allocated to the crops and livestock sectors in six of the sub-Saharan African countries were reallocated optimally across different policy support measures and subsectors/commodities, under the same budget constraint. It shows public expenditure is being allocated inefficiently in all six countries and the needed reallocations to solve such allocative inefficiencies, which would result in higher agrifood output growth, thousands of off-farm jobs being created in rural areas, and millions of people getting out of poverty or being now able to afford a healthy diet.
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    Expert meeting on rural information networks in Asia-Pacific: Innovative practices and future directions 2006
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    The past decade has witnessed a dynamic and rapid growth in information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the Asia-Pacific region, bringing enormous benefits to society at large. The challenge, however, is to get relevant information and technologies to the millions of poor living in rural areas. It is here where information and communication technologies can play a useful role in bridging the rural digital divide and empowering rural communities. The goal of this expert meeting was to a dvance knowledge about the use of ICT for agricultural development and rural poverty reduction in Asia and the Pacific by bringing together a cross-section of leading thinkers from organizations and countries active in ICT for rural development. The meeting provided a unique opportunity to exchange the latest information on development trends and provide a means of moving forward from an accumulated body of case studies, through the development of a programme framework, to the validation of mode ls of ICT for agriculture and rural development with the aim of extending the application of successful innovations and innovative practices more widely. These proceedings give an account of the presentations and discussions of the meeting as well as of the recommendations.

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