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Special Report: FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to the Syrian Arab Republic

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    Special Report: FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to the Syrian Arab Republic, 2016 2016
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    A joint FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Mission (CFSAM) visited the Syrian Arab Republic between 15 June and 1 July 2016 to estimate crop production and assess the overall food security situation.
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    Rapport Spécial: Mission FAO/PAM d'évaluation des récoltes et de la sécurité alimentaire au Soudan du Sud (Extrait) 2017
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    An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) visited South Sudan from 30 November to 12 December 2016 to estimate cereal production during 2016 and assess the overall food security situation. The CFSAM reviewed the findings of several crop assessment missions conducted at planting and harvest time in the different agro-ecological zones of the country from May to December 2016. As during 2014 and 2015, all assessment missions were carried out by a Task Force team that comprised s taff from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Cooperatives and Rural Development (MAFCRD), the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and FAO. Task Force team members have been trained during the last years to conduct rapid assessments using established protocols and techniques, such as driving and walking transects, scoring standing crops according to yield and livestock according to body condition, perform key informant interviews and farmer case studies. In addition, supported by the FAO AFIS project, twenty County Crop Monitoring Committees (CCMC) have been formed in 2016, with a view to extending the responsibility of collecting more objective data at local level.
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    Special Report: FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to the Syrian Arab Republic 2019
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    A joint FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Mission (CFSAM) visited the Syrian Arab Republic between 8 June and 4 July 2019 to estimate crop production and to assess the country’s overall food-security situation. On arrival in the country, the international members of the CFSAM team spent three days in Damascus prior to going to the field. During that time, joined by a small number of national FAO and WFP staff, they held meetings with the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform (MAAR) and several other relevant ministries and state bodies of the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic. The team, consisting of national and international staff, then spent three weeks in the field collecting data and observing the agricultural and food-security situation in nine of the country’s 14 governorates. In Hama Governorate the team met national staff from two governorates, Raqqa and Idleb, which it was unable to visit for security reasons, to discuss the situation in those governorates. On return to Damascus the CFSAM team held meetings with the agricultural directors of Quneitra and Sweida, the two remaining governorates that it was unable to visit. The team also discussed its field findings and observations with the principal technical staff of MAAR. Prior to departure from the country, the Mission briefed the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform on its main findings.

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