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Policy briefStrengthening the monitoring and evaluation of the public agricultural extension and advisory service system 2023
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No results found.This policy brief proposes a holistic, systemic, and easy-to-use methodology that is multi-scalar, multi-sectoral, and multi-dimensional for the M&E of public EAS systems, so as to help identify gaps and pathways to strengthen and reform public EAS system. It delivers such key messages as (1) the rationale and objectives of the proposed M&E methodology, (2) M&E frameworks at the national and grass-roots levels following such an order as introduction, key M&E elements, indicator framework, and operational framework, (3) the issues of data sources and data collection, (4) the issue of capacity building, and (5) methods of data analysis. -
Policy briefReforming and strengthening public agricultural extension and advisory service systems in smallholder farming 2021
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No results found.This policy brief is aimed to serve as a framework for policy-makers to formulate and tailor reform policies of public EAS systems. To this end, it provides a set of priority areas of reform action, including reviewing and assessing existing public EAS systems; strengthening legal and policy frameworks; reforming mandates of public agricultural EAS; ensuring essential public EAS services accessible; enhancing downward accountability of public EAS; strengthening multi-stakeholder coordination; developing an effective human resource development system; sustaining the adequacy of financial resources; investing in a continued way; and monitoring and evaluating the performance of public EAS systems. -
Book (stand-alone)Guide on digital agricultural extension and advisory services
Use of smartphone applications by smallholder farmers
2023Also available in:
No results found.Digital agricultural extension and advisory services (AEAS) have a great potential to enhance accessibility, delivery, transparency, scope and impacts of information and services for smallholder farmers. However, this potential is often unfully harnessed and the benefits of digital AEAS unequally distributed due to an evident, widening digital divide between rural and urban areas, gender, and different social groups both within and among regions. Due to low-level e-literacy and digital skills, particularly smallholder farmers in rural areas in developing countries have limited access to and utilization of digital AEAS. Considering the above-mentioned benefits of digital AEAS, their poor uptake by smallholder farmers, and the importance of digital empowerment of smallholder farmers in particular, this guide, targeting smallholder farmers in need of digital AEAS as its principal users, provides a set of tools to enhance their digital skills in terms of basic knowledge and skills on using digital tools, methods of access to digital AEAS, methods of access to e-commerce, and capacity building.
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