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Tool 8 - Practical uses and applications

Information toolkit on food biotechnologies with a focus on food safety

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Tool 4 – GM food safety assessment
    Information toolkit on food biotechnologies with a focus on food safety
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    Tool 4 provides information and examples on the safety assessment for genetically modified (GM) foods. Analysis and experts’ consultations found this to be a key topic that could provide information and assistance for authorities to communicate around food biotechnologies.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Tool 3 – Rationale for potential benefits
    Information toolkit on food biotechnologies with a focus on food safety
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    Tool 3 provides information and examples about the rationale for using food biotechnologies. During the global community meeting on the FAO GM Foods Platform, many participants expressed a strong need for support when informing their population about the added value and the reasons of some countries to adopt food biotechnologies. Information on this topic was found to be covered in a limited amount by existing communication materials, in particular those produced by governmental agencies.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Tool 1 - Background and guidance
    Information toolkit on food biotechnologies with a focus on food safety
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    Tool 1 provides general information regarding the background and guidance on food biotechnologies, the safety assessment of foods derived from biotechnologies, and international documents and tools. It contains example materials on what is meant by food biotechnologies. The principles and guidelines developed through the Codex Alimentarius (FAO and WHO, 2020) are introduced as well as the FAO GM Foods Platform , an international database where Codex Members can share data and information on the safety assessment of genetically modified (GM) foods. A list of publications is available in the References section that could be used to develop further understanding of the internationally recognized frameworks related to the safety assessment of foods derived from biotechnologies.

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