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Monitoring food security in countries with conflict situations

A joint FAO/WFP update for the United Nations Security Council (August 2018)

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    Monitoring food security in countries with conflict situations: A joint FAO/WFP update for the United Nations Security Council (July 2016)
    Food Security Updates: July 2016
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    This document is a collection of briefs on countries in which food security has been affected by conflict and other crises. Here is an overview of some key numbers: people in conflict affected states are up to three times more likely to be undernourished than those who are living in more stable developing countries. The most recent projections suggest that approximately half of the global poor now live in states characterized by conflict and violence. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) have a strong interest, and a potentially important role to play, in supporting transitions towards peace.
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    Monitoring food security in Palestine and the Sudan
    A joint FAO/WFP update for the members of the United Nations Security Council, February 2024. Issue No. 13 (Special edition)
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    This is the thirteenth update of the Monitoring food security in food crisis countries and territories with conflict situations, jointly produced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) to inform members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on critical food crises driven by conflict and insecurity. This Special edition focuses on Palestine (particularly the Gaza Strip) and the Sudan. In the Gaza Strip and the Sudan, conflict has pushed people to the highest levels of acute food insecurity. People in these contexts require the most urgent attention and support to avoid any risk of famine. The Gaza Strip and the Sudan are currently two out of five Hunger Hotspot countries of highest concern globally. This report explores some of the impacts of armed conflict on food security from the perspective of protecting civilians and objects indispensable for their survival that represent essential components of food systems, as well as the challenges of securing safe, timely and unimpeded humanitarian access, both of which are addressed by Resolution 2417. By exploring conflict-induced food insecurity in the Gaza Strip and the Sudan, this report seeks to contribute to the monitoring of the implementation of Resolution 2417 and provides recommendations that the UNSC may consider to prevent further deteriorations in food security. FAO and WFP have jointly produced this twice-yearly report for the members of the UNSC since June 2016.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    FAO in the 2017 humanitarian appeals 2016
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    In 2016, FAO reached 21 million crisis-affected people, helping them to produce and purchase food, maintain their livelihoods, stay on or return to their land where it was safe to do so and enabling them to provide for themselves. However, forecasts for 2017 are alarming. Millions of people – many of them children – face the very real threat of starvation in Madagascar, northeastern Nigeria, South Sudan and Yemen. Drought is once again threatening herders across the Horn of Africa, further under mining livelihoods that have yet to recover from the last drought. In Iraq and Syria, violence continues unabated, forcing people to abandon their homes and agriculture-based livelihoods. This destroys any development gains made and pushes people into food insecurity in the short term, making it harder to return and resume their livelihoods when stability is restored. In 2017, FAO is seeking over USD 1 billion to reach more than 40 million people.

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