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2.1 Grid search
2.2 The SIR method
2.3 The Markov Chain Monte Carlo method
2.4 Diagnostics
2.5 Marginal distributions
2.6 Advanced topics

For most problems encountered in fisheries stock assessment, it is impossible to evaluate the posterior distribution (Equation 1.5) analytically. A variety of numerical methods are, however, available for Bayesian analysis (see, for example, Smith (1991) and references therein). We will concentrate on three methods that have been found to be useful even for quite sophisticated problems. Let q denote the parameter vector and p(q), the posterior probability of the parameter vector q. From Bayes rule, p(q) is proportional to the product of the likelihood and prior evaluated at q, g(q), i.e.:


The purpose of the three methods is to sample a set of equally-likely vectors {qi: i=1,2,...} from the posterior distribution, p(q), or to determine the relative posterior probabilities for a set of pre-specified vectors of parameters. Each set of parameters can then be used as the basis for projections into the future for a range of alternative management actions to calculate the values for the performance statistics and hence develop a decision table (see Sections 1.2.5, 3.1 and 3.2).

The methods in this section are illustrated using a hypothetical example assessment. The objective of the assessment is to determine posterior distributions for the parameters of the model. For simplicity only a single structural model is considered for the dynamics of the resource:



Bt is the biomass at the start of year t,
s is the annual survival rate,
is the average recruitment, and
Ct is the catch during year t.
For the purposes of illustration, the value of the parameter s is assumed known and equal to 0.7 and it is assumed that the population was at deterministic equilibrium prior to the start of harvesting in 1971, i.e. [4]. The direct data available for assessment purposes are a time series of catch rates. Assuming that the errors between the model-predictions and the observations are log-normally distributed and that catch rate is related linearly to biomass, the likelihood function is:



It is the catch rate for year t,

q is the constant of proportionality that relates catch rate to population biomass (the catchability coefficient), and

s is the standard deviation of the random fluctuations in catchability (assumed to be known and equal to 0.4).

The term in Equation (2.3) can be omitted from the evaluation of the likelihood function in the spreadsheets because it is a constant (i.e. it is the same for all combinations of and q - and including this term would simply increase the time required to conduct the calculations). The above assumptions imply that the only unknown parameters are and q. The priors for this illustrative example are taken to be truncated to lie between 150 and 450, and q~U[0,0.002]. Although we would never assume a uniform prior for q in actual applications (see, for example, Punt and Hilborn, 1997), we have used this prior here to keep the example simple.

2.1 Grid search

The grid search method is conceptually easy to implement using a spreadsheet. It proceeds as follows:

a) The range of values for each of the parameters is divided into between 10 and 50 discrete levels. We recommend starting with 10 levels and increasing the number of levels until the results no longer change appreciably.

The product of the likelihood and the prior, (Equation 2.1), is then evaluated for each combination of parameters.

b) The posterior probability for each combination of the two parameters is then calculated using Equation (1.6). The (marginal) posterior probability distribution for one of the parameters, say , is determined by summing the joint posterior probabilities across the alternative values for q, i.e:


The grid search algorithm is implemented in the sheets "Likelihood" and "Main" of the spreadsheet EX3A.XLS. The range for is divided into 30 equally-spaced levels (150-160, 160-170, etc.) and that for into 20 levels (0-0.0001, 0.0001-0.0002, etc.). The sheet "Likelihood" computes the likelihood for each combination of and q(cells B45 to V75) using the EXCEL Table function. The Table function evaluates the value of Equation (2.3) (cell B7 divided by 2s2) for each combination of and q (listed respectively in cells B46 to B75 and C45 to V45). The value of the likelihood function is evaluated at the mid-point of the range for each cell (i.e. for the cell for which = (150-160) and q = (0-0.0001), the likelihood is evaluated at the point (155, 0.00005)). As noted in Section 1.3.1, the evaluation of the likelihood function involves projecting the population from the first to the last year (cells D15 to D40) and then evaluating Equation (2.3) [cells F15 to F40]. In addition to the contribution by the data, this column also contains a penalty (1000) to account for the possibility of the model predicting that the population was rendered extinct some time between 1971 and 1996.

The sheet "Main" (cells B42 to V73) computes the product of the likelihood and the prior (i.e. g(q)). The prior probabilities for each of the s are listed in cells A44 to A73 while those for the qs are listed in cells C42 to V42. The prior probabilities do not add up to 1 - this does not, however, impact the final results as the prior probabilities only have to provide the relative credibility of each combination of and q. The likelihoods that were computed in sheet "Likelihood" are stored in cells C8 to V37. The posterior probability is computed by normalising the values for g(q) so that they sum to 1 (cells C78 to V107). The results of this calculation can be summarised by the marginal posterior for (cells X78 to X107 - computed using Equation (2.4)) and compared to the normalised distribution of the prior for (cells Y78 to Y107). Similarly, it is possible to compute the posterior probability for different values for q (cells C108 to V109). The sheet "Summary" provides a graphical representation of the marginal posterior distributions (bars), the prior distributions (solid lines), and the joint posterior distribution for and q.

It is possible to use the EXCEL Table function for problems such as the one above that involve one or two uncertain parameters. For problems involving more parameters, it is necessary to write a macro that projects the population dynamics model and then calculates the likelihood function. For the grid search method, computational requirements increase exponentially with the number of parameters. It is therefore, except for problems with four or fewer parameters, a very inefficient computational method.

The grid search method and the simple version of the SIR method described below share another computational problem when the data are highly informative; most of the posterior probability is in a very small part of the parameter space (often the case when age-structure data are included in assessments). In these situations, most of the likelihood evaluations have a negligible contribution to the total probability so the area of parameter space with highest posterior probability may not be sampled adequately. This can lead to poor estimation of probabilities and hence of the quantities needed to conduct a decision analysis. The solution to these problems is to reduce the width of each interval, but this leads to greatly increased computational demands. On the other hand, the Grid Search method can often perform well when a wide range of parameter values fit the data (i.e. "multi-modal" posterior distributions) [if the width of each interval is chosen well], which can be a major problem for the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method reviewed below.

2.2 The SIR method

The Sample-Importance-Resample (SIR) method (Van Dijk et al., 1987; Rubin, 1987; Rubin, 1988) is a method that approximates the posterior distribution for high dimensional problems. Many variants of this method exist. In this section, we describe the simplest variant and defer discussion of a more complicated variant to Section 2.6.2. The analyses of Bergh and Butterworth (1987), McAllister et al. (1994), Raftery et al. (1995) and Punt and Walker (1998) are all based on this simple variant. The method proceeds as follows:

a) A vector of parameter values, q is drawn from the prior distribution.

b) The likelihood of this vector of parameter values, L(D|q), is evaluated.

c) The vector of parameters and the corresponding likelihood are stored in a file.

d) Steps a) to c) are repeated thousands (or even millions) of times to build up a joint posterior distribution for the parameters.

The spreadsheet EX3B.XLS illustrates how the SIR algorithm is used to compute posterior distributions for and q. The priors for the parameters are specified in cells B10, B11, B16 and B17. The spreadsheet implements the SIR algorithm using the macros "RunSIR" and "Clearoutput" which can be run by clicking on the buttons provided in the spreadsheet. The calculation involves clearing the temporary storage using the macro "Clearoutput", specifying the number of SIR replicates (Cell B15 - "Numreplicates"), and running the macro "RunSIR". The main features of the macro "RunSIR" are the subroutine "func" which takes the two parameters ( and q) and computes the likelihood, and the subroutine "sir" which performs the actual SIR steps. Subroutine "sir" involves conducting a number ("nreps") of replicates. Each replicate involves randomly generating values for and q from their priors, computing the likelihood and storing it for further use. If the value drawn for lies outside of the pre-specified bounds, a new random number is drawn until a value within these bounds is selected. For each parameter vector drawn from the prior, the likelihood is added into the appropriate entry in a table that will represent the joint posterior distribution. The values of and q are stored for later use in columns B and C starting in row 53. The posteriors for each parameter are then computed as was the case for the grid search method.

EX3B.XLS includes features to monitor performance by displaying the last fit to the data (dots - actual data; lines - model predictions) and the (, q) points examined so far. The analyst can specify whether these diagnostics are displayed for each replicate by setting the value of cell B13 ("Screenon") to 1. When this value is set to 0 the screen will only refresh every B14 replicates ("Screenrefresh"). The final posterior surface and the marginal posterior distributions for and q are shown in the sheet "Summary". This sheet also shows the marginal posterior for the depletion of the resource in 1996 by, for each parameter vector, determining the depletion and adding the likelihood for this parameter vector into an array, which represents depletions from 0 to 1.5 in steps of 0.05 (Cells AC4 - AE33 in "Main"). The normalization of this array provides the posterior distribution.

2.3 The Markov Chain Monte Carlo method

The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method (Hastings, 1970; Gelman et al., 1995) involves selecting a starting parameter vector q0 and generating a sequence of parameter vectors q1, q2, ... which converge to the posterior distribution. As was the case for the SIR method, there are several variants of the MCMC method. Here we describe a simple variant of the MCMC method (used by Punt and Kennedy (1997) for an assessment of the rock lobster resource off Tasmania, Australia). This variant of the MCMC method involves the following steps:

a) Select starting values for each of the parameters in order to specify the starting parameter vector q0 and set i equal to 0.

b) For each parameter of the model (qi,j is the jth element of the vector qi):

i) Sample a new value for the parameter from a "jumping distribution". For this simple variant, this involves generating a random value, q’i,j, from the uniform distribution |qi,j-Dj, qi,j+Dj|.

ii) Evaluate g(q), the product of the prior and the likelihood, at the parameter vector constructed by replacing the current value of qi,j by q’i,j (the "new" parameter vector).

iii) If g(q) for the new parameter vector [g(qi)] is greater than that corresponding to the current parameter vector, g(qi), replace the current parameter vector with the new parameter vector.

iv) If g(q) for the new parameter vector is less than g(qi), replace the current parameter vector with the new parameter vector with a probability equal to the ratio g(qi)/ g(qi).

c) Store the parameter vector at the end of the loop for eventual output as part of the sample from the posterior distribution.

d) Set i=i+1 and set qi+1 to the parameter vector at the end of the loop i of the algorithm.

e) Repeat steps b) to d) thousands (or millions) of times.

f) The sample from p(q) is every n'th value in the sequence. If correctly applied, this should be a random sample from the posterior distribution. The choice of n when selecting from the sequence (referred to as "thinning") should be chosen so that there does not appear to be much auto-correlation between the samples. The results of the first 1,000 or so iterations should be ignored as this is a "burn-in" period for the algorithm to set itself up.

The MCMC algorithm is implemented using the macros "Clearoutput" and "RunMCMC" in the spreadsheet EX3C.XLS. The initial values for the parameters (step a) are stored in cells B5 and B6 while cells B16, B17 and B18 store the total number of times steps b) to d) should be repeated, the length of the "burn-in" period, and the frequency at which parameter vectors are stored (see step f) above). The "best" values for the last three quantities will be specific to each problem and the analyst should examine the sensitivity of the results to changing the values for these quantities. Every few steps (defined at cell B18 - "nevery"), the vector of tolerances, D, is updated. This involves keeping a record of the proportion of times the new value for parameter j replaces the current value (see steps b)iii) and b)iv) above) and increasing the jth element of D by 1% if this proportion is greater than 0.5 and vice versa.

The calculations in spreadsheet EX3C.XLS involve first clearing the temporary storage using the macro "Clearoutput", specifying the values in cells B16, B17 and B18, and running the macro "RunMCMC". The main features of the macro "RunMCMC" are the subroutine "func" which takes the two parameters ( and q) and computes the product of the likelihood and the prior, and the subroutine "mcmc" that performs the actual MCMC steps. Subroutine "mcmc" involves conducting a number of replicates ("nreps"). Each replicate involves looping through each of the parameters applying steps i) to iv) above. The sample from the posterior is stored in columns B and C starting at line 53. The results of the algorithm are presented in the form of the joint posterior for and q and the marginal posterior distributions for these parameters in sheet "Summary".

We have found this algorithm to be very efficient computationally for problems with a large number of parameters and a complicated likelihood function. Unlike the simple variant of the SIR method, this method appears to perform adequately for stock assessments that use catch-at-age data.

2.4 Diagnostics

It is essential to use an appropriate number of levels when applying the grid search method and an appropriate number of iterations when applying the SIR and MCMC methods to obtain an adequate representation of the posterior distribution. These numbers depend on the amount of data, the form of the likelihood function, and the number of parameters in the model. Unfortunately, selecting the number of levels and iterations is more of an art than a science. Considerable attention is being given by statisticians to the problem of determining whether methods such as SIR and MCMC have converged but most of the techniques developed so far are well beyond the scope of this manual. In this section we outline some relatively simple approaches for assessing convergence. The interested reader can consult more detailed texts such as Geweke (1992), Raftery and Lewis (1992), and Cowles and Carlin (1996). Useful websites include those for CODA[5] and BOA[6] and a MCMC diagnostic review site[7].

The first thing that we recommend is that before implementing any of the methods for developing posteriors, the analyst should first construct a spreadsheet that implements the model and calculates the likelihood. This is because all of the methods make use of the likelihood function and it is the place where analysts (including the authors of this manual) make the greatest number of errors!

Unfortunately, the only way to properly assess whether the number of levels when applying the grid search method is sufficient is to increase them and see if this impacts the posterior distributions markedly. A method for assessing whether the number of iterations of the SIR algorithm is adequate to obtain a reasonable approximation to the posterior distribution involves calculating the fraction of the total likelihood made up by the most likely parameter vector (cell B22 of spreadsheet EX3B.XLS). As a rule of thumb, this must not exceed 5% and should preferably not exceed 0.5%. The rate of convergence can be monitored by examining how the value of cell B22 changes as the number iterations is increased (recorded in cell B23). An extension to spreadsheet EX3B.XLS would be to graph this relationship. The sheet "N changes" of spreadsheet EX3B.XLS shows how the posterior distribution for changes as the number of SIR iterations is increased from 100 to 10,000.

There is considerable debate about how many iterations to conduct when applying MCMC. Although it is useful to assess this visually by plotting the values of the quantities of interest against iteration number and examining the plots for strong autocorrelation (e.g. Raftery and Lewis, 1992). Gelman and Rubin (1992) recommend that analyses be conducted for a range of initial parameter vectors instead. The initial parameter vector when applying MCMC can be changed by modifying the values in cells B5 and B6 in spreadsheet EX3C.XLS. If the results from such multiple runs do not agree, it can be concluded that the runs are too short. However, even if there is no disagreement, it cannot be concluded definitively that the runs are sufficiently long. Other, more ad hoc, methods are to examine the smoothness of the posterior distributions and the difference between the values for the likelihood for each selected parameter vector and that corresponding to the maximum likelihood possible.

Spreadsheet EX3D.XLS contrasts posterior distributions for based on the SIR, MCMC and grid search methods. The number of iterations for SIR and MCMC was set to 10,000. All three methods provide similar results in this case. However, it is often useful to apply different methods of developing posterior distributions because this provides a reasonably robust (albeit computationally intensive) way of assessing whether the number of iterations is adequate. If the results from the different methods differ, the first thing to do is to check for programming errors and then to re-run the calculations with a larger number of iterations.

Finally, we advise that if Monte Carlo methods (e.g. SIR and MCMC) are used, the calculations should ideally be repeated for several different random number seeds to check that the results are not sensitive to the choice of the random number seed. Having advised this, the computational demands of applying Bayesian methods can mean that re-running the calculations several times may be infeasible.

2.5 Marginal distributions

It is often necessary to compare the prior distribution for a quantity of interest, such as the current biomass, with a numerical representation of its marginal posterior distribution to gauge the information content of the data. The marginal posterior distribution is calculated by dividing the range for the quantity of interest, , into a number of discrete "bins" of equal width. Cells AC4 to AG33 in sheet "Main" of spreadsheet EX3B.XLS provide the storage needed to construct numerical representations of the marginal prior and posterior distributions for the ratio of the biomass in the final year (1996) to the biomass in the first year (the current depletion). The code that bins the values for current depletion is stored in the macro "sir". The marginal prior and posterior distributions for the current depletion are shown in the sheet "Summary". The calculation proceeds as follows. Each time that a function call is made, the value for current depletion is calculated and stored in the variable "Depl". The bin corresponding to this value is then determined (stored in "ibin3") and the vectors of probabilities for different values of current depletion updated. The "probability" used when determining the prior is 1 whereas this probability is equal to the likelihood to determine the posterior distribution.

2.6 Advanced topics

2.6.1 Selecting a subset of the parameter vectors
2.6.2 A more efficient SIR
2.6.3 An advanced version of MCMC
2.6.4 Two additional techniques for reducing computation time

The following sections outline four techniques for making the grid search, SIR and MCMC algorithms more efficient. However, these techniques are quite complicated and are usually only needed when dealing with very large problems so only the first of them has been implemented in EXCEL in this package. Interested readers who wish to use the techniques described in Sections 2.6.2 - 2.6.4 should consider implementing them using a standard programming language (such as Basic) rather than in EXCEL.

2.6.1 Selecting a subset of the parameter vectors

The grid search and SIR methods examine very many parameter combinations. Unfortunately, for many problems, the posterior probability for most of these is very close to zero (see the joint posterior distributions in spreadsheets EX3A.XLS and EX3B.XLS). As these parameter vectors are highly unlikely, it would seem sensible to restrict the projections performed for the decision analysis to only the "most likely" parameter combinations. One algorithm for selecting which parameter vectors to consider in projections is to sample (with replacement) from the total number of parameter vectors assigning the probability of selecting a given vector proportional to its likelihood (SIR) and posterior probability (grid search).

If the parameter vectors are listed in columns (as is currently the case for the implementation of SIR - see columns B-D of worksheet Main in spreadsheet EX3B.XLS starting at row 53), it is possible to implement this random selection efficiently. The method for doing this (see the macro "QuickSel" in spreadsheet EX3B.XLS) is:

a) Choose a threshold likelihood (cell E18 in the sheet "Main").

b) Move to the first of the parameter vectors generated during the SIR algorithm and set the cumulative total likelihood (the variable "total" in the macro "QuickSel") to zero.

c) Add the likelihood for the current parameter vector to the cumulative total.

d) Select the current vector if the cumulative total exceeds the threshold (the macro copies the selected parameter vector to the sheet "SelPar"), reduce the cumulative total by the threshold, and repeat this step.

e) Move to the next parameter vector and go to step c) (unless there are no additional vectors).

The threshold needs to be chosen to ensure that sufficient parameter vectors are selected to allow the decision analysis to be conducted. The algorithm is such that some parameter vectors may be selected more than once. One way to assess convergence is therefore to count how often vectors are selected multiple times when developing the set of parameter vectors to consider in projections. An extension to the spreadsheet EX3B.XLS would be to modify the macro "sir" so that it is not necessary to store non-selected parameter vectors at all (see Section 3.2 for how this can be done).

2.6.2 A more efficient SIR

The efficiency of the SIR method can be improved markedly if an approximation to the posterior distribution is available. This approximation, , referred to as the importance function, must have non-zero probability wherever has non-zero probability and it must be easy to generate parameter vectors from (Oh and Berger, 1992). The SIR method then proceeds as follows.

a) Draw a vector, , from the distribution .

b) Calculate and the "importance sampling weight" where is the probability of generating the vector .

c) Repeat steps a) and b) many times.

d) Select a sample from these vectors with replacement, assigning a probability of selecting a particular vector proportional to its importance sampling weight.

This modified algorithm is identical to the simple method of Section 2.2 when is taken to be the prior distribution, , because for the choice , the importance sampling weight is simply the likelihood of the data given the vector , i.e. . McAllister and Ianelli (1997) and Smith and Punt (1998) apply this modified algorithm taking the importance function to be a multivariate t-distribution with mean given by the values for the parameters which maximise the product of the likelihood function and the prior, and variance-covariance matrix obtained by inverting the Hessian matrix[8]. The values for the mean can be found using the EXCEL SOLVER function. The Hessian matrix is output by some modeling fitting packages (such as the Ad Model Builder package[9]) but can be approximated numerically (e.g. Press et al., 1988). The numerical approximation to the Hessian matrix could be implemented using a macro.

2.6.3 An advanced version of MCMC

The use of the uniform distribution as the "jumping distribution" (see step b)i) of Section 2.3) is only one of several alternatives (e.g. Hastings, 1970; Gelman et al., 1995). An alternative that we have found to improve the efficiency of the algorithm considerably is as follows:

a) Select starting values for each of the parameters to specify the starting parameter vector q0.

b) Specify a variance-covariance matrix, V0.

c) Set i equal to 0.

d) Construct a vector, , by adding to a random variate generated from a normal distribution with mean and variance covariance matrix .

e) Calculate the posterior density, , at the parameter vector .

f) Replace the current parameter vector by if is greater than .

g) Replace the current parameter vector by with a probability equal to , if is less than .

h) Store the parameter vector at the end of step g) for eventual output as part of the sample from the posterior distribution.

i) Set i equal to i=i+1 and to the parameter vector at the end of the loop i of the algorithm.

j) Repeat steps d) - i) many times.

k) The sample from is every n'th value in the sequence. The results of the first 1,000 or so iterations should be ignored, as this is a "burn-in" period for the algorithm to set itself up.

As was the case for the advanced version of SIR, the initial vector of parameters, , can be set equal to the combination that maximizes the product of the likelihood and the prior, and the initial variance-covariance matrix, , can then be set equal to the inverse of the Hessian matrix corresponding to the initial vector of parameters (see Section 2.6.2 for additional details about the Hessian matrix). An extension to this algorithm is to update the variance-covariance matrix every few iterations (e.g. Punt and Kennedy (1997)).

2.6.4 Two additional techniques for reducing computation time

In some cases, it is possible to integrate out some of the "nuisance" parameters analytically. "Nuisance" parameters are parameters that are part of the population dynamics model but are not needed for the projections that form part of a decision analysis. We recommend the use of the methods outlined by Walters and Ludwig (1994) for eliminating the catchability coefficient, q, because they reduce the computational demands of evaluating the posterior markedly.

A computationally more efficient implementation of the grid search method is to select the values of the parameters so that they are equally spaced in terms of their prior probability. The algorithm described in Section 2.1 is then modified so that, instead of evaluating for each parameter vector , it is necessary only to evaluate the likelihood for each .

Conducting sensitivity tests involves re-running the entire assessment with a different set of specifications (e.g. with a different prior for q). For many problems (such as those in the next section), this can be accomplished computationally relatively easily. However, for more complicated Bayesian assessments (e.g. that of the eastern stock of gemfish - Smith and Punt (1998)), it may take days to conduct a single application of one of the above methods. We recommend that analysts consider the re-weighting approach of Givens et al. (1994). This approach, when combined with the SIR method, can substantially reduce the time needed to conduct sensitivity analyses.

[4] This equation results from setting the catch in Equation (2.2) to zero and solving for Bt+1=Bt
[8] The Hessian matrix is the matrix of second partial derivates of the product of the prior and the likelihood with respect to the model parameters.
[9] © Otter Research (1993, 1994, 1996, 2000).

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