The Food Systems Thinking Guide for UN Resident Coordinators and UN Counytry Teams was developed under the framework of the UN Food Systems Task Force, thanks to the continuous engagement of the Working Group on Supporting UNCT Coordination and Joint Programming.
FAO, the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub and the UN Development Coordination Office (UN-DCO) co-led the process, supported by the overall technical guidance of FAO’s Agrifood Systems and Food Safety Division (ESF), under the oversight of Corinna Hawkes, Director and the technical supervision of José Valls Bedeau, Policy Officer.
Nobuhle Lungu, Agrifood Systems Specialist, was responsible for the overall drafting of the contents, with the support of Jacopo Schürch, Agrifood Systems Expert, and technical inputs from colleagues in the Agrifood Systems Transformation Unit in ESF. Special thanks for the inputs provided are due to the following members of the Working Group (in alphabetical order): Kennedy Baruta (Hub), Andrew Bovarnick (UNDP), Valeria Castaneda (UNDP), Nadine Gbossa (IFAD), Sarah Faber (UNDP), Carla Kraft (UN Women), Lucas Lindfors (IFAD), Sylvia Lopez Ekra (Hub), Chloe Ludden (UN-DCO), Lina Mahy (WHO), Hernan Manson (International Trade Centre), Sofia Mauceri (Hub), Katiella Mai Moussa (UNCDF), Lina Sarah Piccini (WFP), Giovanni Pilato (Hub), Poorti Sapatenkar (UN-DCO), Marjolein Anna Smit (WHO), Carmen Torres (UNEP), and the UN-Nutrition Secretariat..
Deep gratitude is extended to all the organizations and practitioners who contributed with their experiences and case studies, which helped anchor the guide in concrete challenges and local realities. In particular, appreciation goes to the UN Madagascar Country Team, Fabio Losa (UN Resident Coordinator Office) and Thierry Randriarilala (FAO Madagascar), for their time and insights along the process. Sincere thanks are also due to the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub’s Sounding Board of UN Resident Coordinators for their guidance and valuable input during the inception phase of this work.
Gratitude is also extended to the entire UN Food Systems Task Force for their valuable feedback and comments throughout the drafting process.
Thanks are due to Tommaso Mattei, Project Management Specialist, ESF, for coordinating the publishing process. The IT development and production was made possible thanks to the efforts of the team in the Publications and Library Branch of FAO’s Office of Communications.
Copyediting was carried out by Claire Davenport.
This publication was produced as part of
with financial assistance from the Federal Office for Agriculture of Switzerland. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authoring organizations and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the Swiss Government.