Figure 8. The Cooperation Framework cycle
Source: UNSDG. 2019. United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework – Internal guidance. New York, USA, United Nations.
Each of the different UNSDCF phases are good entry points for integrating food systems into the UNSDCF. Integrating goes beyond simply mentioning food systems. It requires a systemic approach that positions food systems as a cross-cutting issue with potential to impact on multiple development outcomes. By doing this, every UNSDCF phase, from analysis to monitoring and evaluation, will prioritize examining how food system issues intersect with, and contribute to, other national priorities. This section draws from and builds on existing guidance, such as mainstreaming gender, nutrition, environment and climate change, and disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, into UNSDCFs. Key questions that can help you reflect on how to integrate food systems in the different phases include:
Analysis phase
Development phase
Implementation phase
Results phase
In recent times, countries have been striving to incorporate food systems into their UNSDCFs. However, there is no single best method or approach identified for this integration due to the complexity and multifaceted nature of food systems, which varies across different country contexts. Madagascar is among the nations that have made efforts to integrate food systems into their UNSDCF. In this section, we will draw upon Madagascar's experience and the preceding sections of this guide to offer elements that could be beneficial for effectively integrating a food systems approach into UNSDCFs. It is important to note that this is not a step-by-step process to be followed rigidly, but rather it provides guiding principles that can be adjusted and tailored to meet specific needs.
Get inspired by how taking a systems approach and involving multiple stakeholders resulted in a new joint programme in Madagascar.