Formulation of the stakeholder power/interest matrix in the Plurinational State of Bolivia

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© Giada Connestari/FOOD4 LaStampa

As part of an extensive research initiative in Kenya and the Plurinational state of Bolivia, the specific Bolivian region where the Amazon basin intersects with the Andes was chosen to pilot a methodology for the participatory mapping of food systems. Within this designated area, the Agroecological Platform for the Tropics, Subtropics, and Chaco, comprising a network of organic producers and consumers, was selected.

Using the Mapping Local Food Webs guide, a collaborative effort involving local students, researchers and stakeholders led to the development of a participatory methodology for mapping food systems. The resulting approach encompassed four phases: 1) crafting maps of the study area, 2) conducting field research visits to engage with stakeholders and explore significant locations for food systems activities, 3) facilitating workshops where stakeholders visually represented their food systems, and 4) preparing power/interest matrices to capture stakeholders' dynamics.

Figure 5. Power/interest matrix of actors related to the agroecological food systems in the Plurinational state of Bolivia


Source: Jacobi, J., Wambugu, G., Ngutu, M., Augstburger, H., Mwangi, V., Zonta, A., Otieno, S. & Burgoa, J. 2019. Mapping Food Systems: A Participatory Research Tool Tested in Kenya and Bolivia. Mountain Research and Development. Mountain Research and Development, 39(1).

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